Struggling Grocery Store Owners Rake Kamala Harris Over the Coals for ‘Price Gouging’ Proposal – IOTW Report

Struggling Grocery Store Owners Rake Kamala Harris Over the Coals for ‘Price Gouging’ Proposal


As Americans are struggling to put food on the table and make ends meet, Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz are focused on pushing a “positive” and “joyful” message to appeal to voters.

Harris recently declared a new policy proposal: Enacting a federal ban on “price gouging” for food companies. The proposal has met with fierce criticism from both sides of the aisle, with many pointing out that this would only make the problems worse.

A new video is circulating on X featuring two small business owners discussing how rampant inflation has affected their businesses and customers. To put it succinctly, it ain’t looking good, folks. more here

10 Comments on Struggling Grocery Store Owners Rake Kamala Harris Over the Coals for ‘Price Gouging’ Proposal

  1. She’ll be dishing out price controls just like the old Soviet Union and East Germany. Empty shelfs and unable to replenish stock. Nothing better than to shit can your business. The biggest problem is the dumb fucks that will vote for it.

  2. Her and Walz both want their ten percent of the gross sales from the farmer to the wholesaler, from the wholesaler to the middleman, from the middleman to the store and from the store to the customer.

  3. democRAT flippers.
    They always flip the truth and blame the other guy.

    They call her Flipper, Flipper, faster than glaciers,
    No-one you see, is dumber than she,
    And we know Flipper, Flipper, lives in a world full of blunder,
    Lying there-under, under a tree!

  4. Unfortunately, 40% of America’s electorate is mentally deficient and will support the communist party even as they’re being loaded into box cars headed for the gas chamber. Most democrats are like trained seals. If commie Kamala moves her lips the trained seals automatically clap. And they believe everything she says.

  5. Notice the slunt isn’t saying anything about wage controls, just prices. It isn’t mentioning that because it would suggest a limitation on the ability of the poor struggling democrat to buy the price controlled stuff. The whore is pretending wage controls are not absolutely essential if price controls are installed. It seems clear this streetwalker thinks we are stupid. The prostitute is lying, you can tell, its mouth is moving and no tube steak in it.

  6. Like the old saying goes: Communism has bread lines and capitalism has bread.

    Too bad the idiots that want it aren’t shipped off to the paradises of North Korea, Cuba or Venezuela for the rest of their lives to live their dream.


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