Student Dropped From Online Classes Because He Isn’t Vaccinated – IOTW Report

Student Dropped From Online Classes Because He Isn’t Vaccinated

13 Comments on Student Dropped From Online Classes Because He Isn’t Vaccinated

  1. The student should utilize any and all complaint-reporting sources to report this travesty against him. Even so far as reporting discrimination and segregation against him to his state’s politicians, news outlets, federal civil rights agencies, social channels, etc. If it doesn’t go his way, at least the school and its discrimination will be publicized. The one thing these entities shy away from is public exposure of injustice and the resulting embarrassment.

  2. This only goes to prove – this nonsense is not about safety, but about control of the population. Come on, Americans, stop cowering behind those masks (which, along with the jab, are doing little or nothing to keep you safe) and stand up for your freedoms, which are being pulled out from under you while you cower in obedience to dictators. Quit being frogs sitting in the pan of water on the stove.


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