Student Told To Take Off Gadsden Flag Shirt That Included a Pro 2A Message – IOTW Report

Student Told To Take Off Gadsden Flag Shirt That Included a Pro 2A Message

A student in Reno, Nevada wore a promotional shirt for a local business, Sparks Black Rifle. The logo includes a rifle. A teacher made him remove it citing a dress code that said no depictions of guns may be worn.

The next day  Months later, he showed up in a Gadsden Flag shirt with wording supporting 2A. There was no depiction of a rifle.

The teacher told him to take it off.

He’s suing.

ht/ marach


12 Comments on Student Told To Take Off Gadsden Flag Shirt That Included a Pro 2A Message

  1. I certainly hope he wins his suit, but I’m pessimistic about it ever getting to trial. The govt school commissariat will probably offer to settle on condition he does not disclose the terms. It would be good if he refused and demanded his day in court.

  2. It is about time! I remember in some class where we covered a case where some libtard hippies wore black arm bands to school to protest the Vietnam War and the SCOTUS ruled that it was political speech and therefore covered by the 1st amendment.

    I bought Molan Labe bumper stickers (showing rifles) to put on my daughter’s cello case with the hopes it would case a rucas. (fully perpared to do some digging, get the case and tell the Nazi’s they can’t do that) but my daughter was not up for the fun and games. This should be a slam dunk.

  3. I have a new, small batch of my custom bumper stickers: TRUTH: The new hate crime.

    I’ll give them to any of the IOTW family that want one. If you’re interested, ask Fur for my e-mail address and we’ll go from there. If enough want them to take all my supply, I’ll get my son to make more.

  4. And this is why it’s not smart to put your kid in government group think schools.They will assimilate, your resistance is almost futile. They have them for 8 hours 5 days a week.

  5. He may actually have a chance at winning. Washoe County School District has a track record for loosing cases and costing the district a fair few dollars. My tax money at work.

  6. I think the kid seems to be prepared to take this to court. He’s only asking for “Nominal” cash penalty and court costs while asking that the school admit it’s wrong doing and change the dress code to allow constitutional declarations. I don’t think he’s going to settle.


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