Students: 1st Amendment Shouldn’t Protect Offensive Speech – IOTW Report

Students: 1st Amendment Shouldn’t Protect Offensive Speech

Our WWII is right here on our soil. The enemy? These nitwits.

23 Comments on Students: 1st Amendment Shouldn’t Protect Offensive Speech

  1. So just what qualifies as offensive speech???? Do I decide, or do you get to decide, or does a hand picked court decide??? Sounds like some one bumped Gods elbow when he was putting their brains in with a small teaspoon.

  2. It’s amazing how many employers stipulate ‘College degree required’. To me the attainment of a college degree indicates that you are an unimaginative box checker. A compliant and malleable cog.

    Wait a minute. I just figured it out.

  3. Hey man, we gave over our schools to the left without a whimper – but instead, a bowh er, ryan, mccain, mcconnell and a corker.

    Can’t complain now, can we?

    Just throw them out.

  4. Has none of them ever been called whore or fatso?
    Or retard? Homo? Didn’t happen often but this did happen when
    I was in public school. In the hallway, guys yelling it out.
    I guess that doesn’t happen now?
    Oh that’s right there’s nothing to be ashamed of anymore so it just doesn’t happen? what is considered an insult anymore? racism comes to mind

  5. Universities should be renamed: “Mental Institution”
    There is too much mental retardation being expressed.
    I’m not being facetious. I’m serious. I think these kinds of students need isolation and treatment, forever for some of them.

  6. Holy Moly! They are all a bunch of AOCbots. Their speech patterns are the same and their word salad, half-assed are pitiful. Lord help this world. And the hand gestures. Amazing.

  7. I HAVE to call you, like, you know, a motherfucker, like, uh, respectfully? Like, wow, and shit. You know, like, that’s how you should, like, you know, do it, and stuff.

  8. A few of them were OK. The 2 girls standing together especially. They thought that free speech was very important for students to support.

    Small flames need more oxygen to survive.

  9. When snowflakes are offended by everything, where do you draw the line?
    Maybe they should learn to shut the fuck up as well as exercising their right to speak, and to learn when to exercise both.
    You have the right to remain silent, too.


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