Students at UC Davis Shout Allahhu Akbar at Pro-Israel Students – IOTW Report

Students at UC Davis Shout Allahhu Akbar at Pro-Israel Students


One Muslim activist openly admitted, and is overjoyed, that Shariah has taken over UC Davis.

WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!  More at WFB.Screen-Shot-2015-02-02-at-3.36.04-PM

9 Comments on Students at UC Davis Shout Allahhu Akbar at Pro-Israel Students

  1. Sooner or later the Jews in the US will figure out that the left-wing (where the jewish influence especially after the ww2 was great) doesn’t want or need them any longer (except for their dollars for few more years) and then they’ll become real targets for the muslims (to the silence of the left) and not just a group to yell at. Of course it may well be too late for them at that point and America may see it’s very own Kristallnacht.

    As far as the UC Davis students go the reality will truly set in when they go for a job interview and the HR person informs them that a degree from UC Davis is no longer worth much of anything but thanks for coming in.

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