Students in UK schools allowed to identify as Animals – IOTW Report

Students in UK schools allowed to identify as Animals

Natural News:
Students in different schools in the United Kingdom are being allowed to identify as animals, one notch above the insanity of them being allowed to identify as the gender they choose to be.

The Telegraph recounted one such incident at Rye College in East Sussex, where a girl self-identified as a cat. Her classmates who refused to play along with the insanity gave the would-be feline a reminder that she is a girl. However, the woke institution reprimanded the classmates who gave a reality check, telling them their remarks “really upset” their classmate who identified as a cat.

But this wasn’t the only story shared by the outlet, as students in other schools also identified as other creatures.

One student at a secondary school in South West England insisted on being addressed as a dinosaur. Another student insisted on being addressed as a horse. A third student wore a cape and demanded that they be acknowledged as a moon – a literal lunatic, to put it bluntly. more here

15 Comments on Students in UK schools allowed to identify as Animals

  1. You are a cat? What are you doing in a classroom?

    Get outside and catch a mouse. Come back with a mouse or a bird in your mouth, then we’ll talk. But first, chase the laser light up the wall and around the corner. You know you can’t resist a good game of chase the laser pen.

    When will this madness end?

  2. Meanwhile ‘Toure’, a black leftist pundit, just said that ‘people can’t just identify as black’. So I guess kids can choose to identify as cats, just not black ones.

  3. Speaking of pussies (otherwise this comment would be OT), the despicable Andrew Weissman today tweeted:

    If Trump is elected, he will never leave office. He will seek to have the Constitution changed to permit more than 2 terms. And will claim victory in all new elections.

    To which the admirable Gen. Michael Flynn replied:

    @AWeissmann_ you sound scared. And in the military, we counsel, if you’re scared say you’re scared…p#%sy. Get a life you sniveling POS.

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