Students view ‘Puberty Pals’ video on teacher’s cell phone – IOTW Report

Students view ‘Puberty Pals’ video on teacher’s cell phone

EAG: SOUTHGATE, Mich. – Parents are steaming over an R-rated video about puberty students viewed on a teachers phone at Anderson High School last month.

School officials confirm students viewed a clip from the flick “Puberty: The Movie” titled “Puberty Pals” that features several characters like Paulie the Penis, an elderly vagina woman, Burt the butt, and others.

The female teacher involved in the incident was not identified by the school district, but superintendent Leslie Hainrihar told parents she was disciplined for the video. It remains unclear whether the teacher showed the video to students or the students found the video on her phone without her knowledge.  more here

11 Comments on Students view ‘Puberty Pals’ video on teacher’s cell phone

  1. I can’t touch this one, otherwise Loco will hammer me for ‘blaming the victim’.
    Teachers have a right to keep stuff like this and naked photos of themselves in places where students can find it,.
    It is a constitutional right or something.
    So I am backing off.

  2. Oh thank goodness. IOTW is back. For some reason I was unable to open it up for a half hour and was going into withdrawal. I was forced to go to the second tier blogs. They are a poor substitute.

  3. JohnS, funny, I immediately thought of you when I read this topic.

    This one sounds intentional.
    Why else would an adult have that crap on their phone?
    Sounds like a liberal teacher intent on teaching sex to children.

    I haven’t read the article yet but feel free to give em hell.

  4. Ohio, drop money into his cup.
    Fur has to rely on the crappiest of ad suppliers to survive.
    Really, what he is doing is a tough business.
    If you can’t give him $50 a year (less than $1 a week), then you don’t really value the site very much.

  5. Loco, you are 100% right!
    Just why would an adult have naked pictures of themselves on their phone where students could see them?
    It is good that you are coming around to the common sense side of this.

  6. I agree JohnS and do hit the tip jar, though not as often as I probably should. I recommend it to all the followers who appreciate his efforts.

  7. *Sigh,
    JohnS, like I have said before, you must be insufferable to live with.

    Even though I soundly defeated your arguments and buried them deep in the ground, more details came out to enhance your epic take-down.
    Of course you never paid attention to the finer details of that last case because they would destroy any argument you made.
    FYI, they were photos of the teacher wearing lingerie that she sent to her husband. Yawn.

    Anyway, charges have been pressed against the thief, he was expelled and the teacher has been reinstated after a firestorm and a petition with over 10,000 signatures.
    Yes, at least 10,000 people know you are full of shit.
    I am guessing that is a conservative estimate.

    Loco: Grand Champion
    JohnS: Participation Trophy

  8. I appreciate what you’re saying John.
    I am in the midst of trying to clean house and it’s been a nightmare so far.
    I’ve been told that everything will be settled in within a week-
    coded very differently and optimized with less shady suppliers.
    The mobile will be overhauled as well.

    In the meantime we are running in the red.
    I have to take huge steps backward in order to make a move forward.
    Let’s see how it shakes out.
    Most of what people are seeing are “auditions” and place holders and tests.

  9. If BFH spent more time doing ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ art work, whether it be posters, shoes, cigar boxes, key fobs, etc rather than strolling down Florida beaches wearing black socks and flip flops swinging a metal detector back and forth, he’d be a very wealthy guy. When was the last time we had a high priced auction war over a BFH piece of art? My house is full of it! It is first class work!

  10. “The March 15 board meeting got heated as board members spoke in loud voices and with occasional profanity while discussing the incident. Due to an equipment malfunction, the board meeting was not video recorded as they routinely are.”


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