Studies Find “Gender-Affirming Care” Leaves Subjects with “Lower Life Satisfaction” – IOTW Report

Studies Find “Gender-Affirming Care” Leaves Subjects with “Lower Life Satisfaction”

Daily Signal

The head of a facility that carries out so-called “gender-affirming care” has published a study confirming that transgender surgeries do not improve mental health and make people feel lonelier than those who avoided surgical intervention altogether.

“In our study, the level of life satisfaction in transgender people was not increased in transgender people who had undergone gender-affirming surgery as compared to those who were unoperated,” says a study published Tuesday in BMC Public Health, a peer-reviewed scientific journal. More

This is one of those articles to archive and have ready to send to anyone you come across online who advocates for mutilating children. – Dr. Tar

18 Comments on Studies Find “Gender-Affirming Care” Leaves Subjects with “Lower Life Satisfaction”

  1. What might be the expected outcome of taking people who are already at double the normal risk of suicide, and then making them less satisfied with life? Any ideas?

  2. Studies Find “Gender-Affirming Care” Leaves Subjects with “Lower Life Satisfaction

    That’s what happens when you take a chainsaw to your schlong or saw off your boobs!

  3. Maybe the plan to have AI wipe out the human race will be a blessing in disguise. It’s becoming Hell-On-Earth for more and more young people around the world.

  4. “This is one of those articles to archive”

    I stopped engaging with these people. It doesn’t matter what you say to them, they’d argue about the blue sky.

    A similar thing recently took place. There was a video posted from classmates, a teacher talking very detailed about 2 men pleasuring each other by diddling each other’s prostate. I made the simple claim that you can talk about sex ed to children without triple X-rated ADULT graphic detail.

    An online goof claimed it’s important to talk about “comprehensive” sex ed because it lowers pregnancy rates and STDs.

    He/it/she didn’t seem to understand pregnancy isn’t a concern with 2 stinky fingered men. Besides, you can talk about how to cover a weiner and avoid STDs without describing sex acts in detail.

    There’s only one reason to push graphic detailed sex ed to children: pedo grooming.

    He/it/she refused to see my point after a lengthy back and forth and eventually made the claim it’s impossible to be too detailed/graphic when teaching sex ed. *head* *desk* I just quit dealing with these goofs all together.

  5. I gradumakated in 1994, yeah, I know I am one of the yutes of IOTW, but in 1994 there were no self-proclaimed queers in Calvert High.

  6. Take a guy (or gal) with deep-rooted psycho-sexual discords, fill his (her) head with over-the-rainbow bullshit on how fantastic life is gonna be after surgery, mutilate (surgery CANNOT change sex), the poor feeble mutilated retard discovers that it can’t even jerk off any more, and its “life satisfaction” diminishes?

    Say it ain’t so!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. A spiteful mockery to God by satan and its armies, the people willingly submitting (or children being forced) to these monstrous changes are no longer humans. They are Frankenstein-type animals, that is, humanized animals. They are the willing triumphs of vivisection and evil, particularly in these end days.

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