Studunce – IOTW Report


9 Comments on Studunce

  1. the richest, most privileged society ever built in the history of earth, … allowed to be destroyed by it’s spoiled-rotten idiot children

    who, btw, couldn’t actually fight their way out of a wet paper bag … they’re too busy changing their plumbing

    … with the acquiescence of their lazy, spoiled idiot parents

  2. great message, btw, Fur

    I count at least 18 wymyn & 8 persons I identify as male, cis-male, trans-human, neutered-boys in the upper pic …. proof that beta (gamma? …. omega boys?) males join ’empowered’ wymym ’cause they hope they’ll score

    … you know …. like Bill Clinton did w/ Hillary

  3. I wonder what are these privileged, tenured professors pulling down 250,000 a year going to do when the state decides they’re no longer useful. That’ll be a shame.

  4. Following up to n my original comment, after we take our colleges back we use grant money to ship any reamaining little Socialist to Venezuela. Have fun bitches.

  5. For some reason the term Cry Havoc comes to mind, because that’s what the snowflakes want.
    They want the privileges of a victor who just breached a walled city, without all that pesky getting killed in the process.
    No wonder they hang the intellectuals first in any cleansing, they’re abysmal assholes

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