Study Believes US Banks Have Upwards of $2 Trillion in “Unrealized Losses” – IOTW Report

Study Believes US Banks Have Upwards of $2 Trillion in “Unrealized Losses”

UK Daily Mail

Assets held by America’s banks are worth a staggering $2 trillion less than stated in their accounts because of ‘unrealized losses’ like those which triggered the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, a study suggests.

And a run on the banks would leave customers at nearly 200 institutions facing losses of up to $300 billion, according to the paper by leading finance academics.

The paper said the value of assets across the U.S. banking system is ‘$2 trillion lower than suggested by their book value’. Those assets include Treasury bonds whose value has decreased significantly across the past 12 months because of an aggressive campaign of interest hikes by the Federal Reserve. Invest

4 Comments on Study Believes US Banks Have Upwards of $2 Trillion in “Unrealized Losses”

  1. $2Trillion is a drop in the bucket (less than 1%) of the FedGov’s unfunded liabilities.
    The entire edifice is a mirage – and probably has been since the establishment of the Federal Reserve and funny money.
    The current crop of nihilistic totalitarians posing as demonrats are just pushing it into collapse – which sane people try to avoid – but their hatred of America, life, God, civilization, peace, and decency has got the better of them.

    Evil is triumphing all across the globe. Hard to believe, but there are more odious shitholes on Earth than NY, CA, OR, DC, MD, VA, and WA!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. just $2T?
    me thinks there’s still at least another $200T unaccounted for

    where’s all the TAXFREE sinaloa drug cartel money the banks used to set up phony customer accounts

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