Study Finds Nose-Pickers Pick Up COVID – IOTW Report

Study Finds Nose-Pickers Pick Up COVID

New Medical

Overall, the study findings showed greater COVID-19 incidence among nose-picking healthcare workers than non-nose pickers, emphasizing the relevance of the nasal cavity as a SARS-CoV-2 transit port. It is advised that healthcare institutions raise awareness, for example, through educational workshops or by adding anti-nose picking principles to infection control and prevention recommendations.

Further research must be conducted to evaluate the efficacy of strategies that address behavior (such as educational campaigns or using odorous nail polishes) and treat the root cause of habitual nose picking (for e.g., the use of saline sprays to decrease mucus or nasal disinfectants among SARS-CoV-2-positive individuals to combat SARS-CoV-2 shedding). More

31 Comments on Study Finds Nose-Pickers Pick Up COVID

  1. When the cave is full of bats, what else am I supposed to do? Let them continue to multiply and drop guano all over my desk? No, they need to be evicted like a bunch of filthy democrats.

    It would make better sense to say something like don’t wipe your boyfriends ass and then pick your nose, or hang out with a bunch of filthy democrats and then pick your nose without washing up first. Or how about don’t hang around people wearing masks, they’re clearly sick!

  2. “Nose-picking healthcare workers”? Ewww. I shudder to think. When the plandemic first started and there was all this talk about washing hands, not touching face, eyes, etc. to reduce chances of getting sick, I was thinking I already do these things. It was just basic hygiene as far as I was concerned.

    I carried around hand sanitizer and antiseptic wipes before it was “cool”. I get a cold about once every 4 or 5 years. Never had the flu. People remark on my great immune system, but it really comes down to being a bit of a germaphope and practing good hygiene.

  3. …you think nose-picking healthcare workers are a problem, then you may want to look askance at it the next time your Muslim doctor performs your procedure with his left hand…

  4. …some more stuff that isn’t good dinner time reading…

    “If you are eating right now, I urge you to read this later. There are just certain things about food that most of us would just rather not think about. Whether we like it or not, however, every single thing that we eat or drink in a day is composed in part of things we would not prefer to consume – such as rodent hairs, rodent excrement and insect wings.

    This unpalatable matter, collectively referred to in regulations and for the purposes of this paper as “filth”, is monitored by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act.[1] FDA has established defect action levels (DALs) for the amount of filth permitted in food.”

    …rational ignorance is rational; or, don’t look in the kitchen in the place you go out to eat.

  5. @SNS
    Today was a rare day that I had a TV dinner, Marie calendars. I know you’re in the food industry and can tell me things I don’t want to know.
    I make my own lunch as much as possible.

  6. Toenex AT 4:57 PM

    “I make my own lunch as much as possible.”

    …whelp, if you used processed meat, cheese, commercial bread and/or prebagged lettuce, uhhh,you know what, never mind, enjoy…;)

  7. Kcir – Cause I Give a kcuF AT 5:37 PM
    The masks Worked!
    They helped keep fingers out of noses.:

    …so everyone sat around with their thumbs up their asses instead…

  8. I only remember a few things from when I was 3 years old, but one of them is Mrs Boyd, a woman in the neighborhood that babysat me at her home. She picked her nose and ate the boogers. She had two sons who were older than me; if she caught them picking their noses she would make them eat the boogers. She was one strange woman.

  9. Thoughts on The Disposal of Nasal Effluence

    The properly bred English Gentleman, when he gets a manicure, always tells the shop girl to leave a 1/2 inch nail on the pinky finger of his left hand. The pinky nail is the perfect machinery an English Gentleman must have to surreptitiously pull both the hardened and semi-liquid “boogers”, as the lower classes call them, cleanly and quickly out of the upper regions of his nostril canals.

    Then, if he must shake hands with a peer, or a MP, or a Lord, or, perhaps the PM, he can feel confident that the sticky and unsightly effluence of his nose shall not be transferred from his right hand to the palm of the fellow he is shaking hands with. Gentlemen must remember that these rules do not apply to common or low people such as dustmen, scrub-women, fish-mongers, or similar tripe. Many of us have seen these commoners remove the contents of their noses and proceed to make it part of their luncheon. It’s a ghastly thing to see and one is forced to turn your wife and children away from such spectacles. Many a fair lady has fainted upon witnessing such horrid behavior.

    From The Proper Gentleman’s Handbook, London, 1885.

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