Study Finds ‘Radical Under-representation’ for Women in Hollywood – IOTW Report

Study Finds ‘Radical Under-representation’ for Women in Hollywood


NEW YORK (AP) — Despite widespread attention and protest over gender inequality in film, a new study finds that the number of female directors in the top 250 domestic grossing films last year dipped to 8 percent.

That was down 3 percentage points from 2017, according to the 21st annual Celluloid Ceiling report released Thursday by the Center for the Women in Television and Film at San Diego State University. It was even below the 9 percent level achieved 20 years earlier in 1998.

Researchers found slight gains for women in other roles. In 2018, women comprised 20 percent of all directors, writers, producers, executive directors, editors and cinematographers in the top 250 films. That’s up 2 percentage points from 2017.

The study’s author, Martha Lauzen, the executive director of San Diego State’s center, said such modest gains behind the camera, particularly in the director’s chair, reveal an industry resistant to changing long-term gender inequity.

“The study provides no evidence that the mainstream film industry has experienced the profound positive shift predicted by so many industry observers over the last year,” Lauzen said.

“This radical underrepresentation is unlikely to be remedied by the voluntary efforts of a few individuals or a single studio. Without a large-scale effort mounted by the major players — the studios, talent agencies, guilds and associations — we are unlikely to see meaningful change. The distance from 8 percent to some semblance of parity is simply too vast.”

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12 Comments on Study Finds ‘Radical Under-representation’ for Women in Hollywood

  1. Young women are now more apt to go into the porn industry instead of Hollywood because they have to do fewer humiliating sex acts and they do them with less repulsive men.

  2. A study also might find that only 1 out of 50 million women even WANT to be directors. Much like the howling over STEM. Women don’t want to do it and are thus under-represented, then the leaders of feminism score bogus “Muh Patriarchal Oppression!” credits.

  3. I for one ALWAYS check to see which sex directed a movie before I pay………….. WTF!
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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