Study Finds Smartphones Fuel Hallucinations, Aggression, and Detachment in Teens – IOTW Report

Study Finds Smartphones Fuel Hallucinations, Aggression, and Detachment in Teens

RF Safe

The findings are stark:

  • 37% of 13-year-olds reported feeling aggression, compared to 27% of 17-year-olds.
  • 20% of 13-year-olds said they experience hallucinations—far higher than older teens.
  • 42% of American girls and 27% of American boys aged 13 to 17 have struggled with suicidal thoughts.

It appears that the earlier children get smartphones, the worse their mental health outcomes become. Sapien Labs chief scientist Tara Thiagarajan emphasized the basic social disconnect fostered by excessive screen time: “Once you have a phone, you spend a lot less time with in-person interaction … You’re no longer connected in the way humans have been wired for hundreds of thousands of years.” More

11 Comments on Study Finds Smartphones Fuel Hallucinations, Aggression, and Detachment in Teens

  1. Take their phone away and they completely lose their goddamn minds. Foaming at the mouth is just the opening act. I haven’t tested it, but when I was married I turned off the wife’s service if she was causing trouble, and she went completely off the rails. I imagine the kids are no different.

  2. It’s not the phone, it’s the social media they are addicted to that they must conform or be cancelled. That’s the “smart” part that is not-so-smart.

    Make cell phones phones again. But will never happen because everyone is addicted.

  3. On that subject, just read this article a couple of hours ago:
    FTA: “Ward and his colleagues also found that it didn’t matter whether a person’s smartphone was turned on or off, or whether it was lying face up or face down on a desk. Having a smartphone within sight or within easy reach reduces a person’s ability to focus and perform tasks because part of their brain is actively working to not pick up or use the phone.”

  4. I was a mean dad. I would not let my kids have a cell phone until they started driving. They also got phones that only had text messaging and phone service. I upgraded them to a smart phone when they went off to college.

  5. An older couple came into the restaurant this afternoon while I was having lunch before grocery shopping. I swear they maybe exchanged 10 words with each other for a half hour because they were both obsessively engaged with their (what I assume) were smartphones. It makes ease dropping no fun at all.

  6. I’ve seen a mother and her two teenage daughters walk across a parking lot with their heads down looking at and tapping their cellphones. They almost got run over three times between their car and the store’s front door. But didn’t deter them a bit.


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