Study Finds Typical Journalist Has Lame Brain – IOTW Report

Study Finds Typical Journalist Has Lame Brain

Business Insider

Journalists’ brains show a lower-than-average level of executive functioning, according to a new study, which means they have a below-average ability to regulate their emotions, suppress biases, solve complex problems, switch between tasks, and show creative and flexible thinking.

The study, led by Tara Swart, a neuroscientist and leadership coach, analysed 40 journalists from newspapers, magazines, broadcast, and online platforms over seven months. The participants took part in tests related to their lifestyle, health, and behaviour. More

17 Comments on Study Finds Typical Journalist Has Lame Brain

  1. This is an extremely comprehensive grasp of what has been obvious to the Ameriican People for decades. The dullest students try journalism, ons step above above janitors.

  2. that’s an insult to janitors … janitors have to solve computational problems like how much solvent per bucket of water, & analytical problems such as which solvent to use for which clean-up … you ever run one of those 42″ wide floor buffers? unstop the shitter? snake out a drain?

    janitors actually perform a necessary societal function

    & janitors, at the end of the day, smell less odorous

  3. And janitors have closets where you can sniff and feel girls all over. Did I ever tell you the time me and Elly May were in the first floor broom closet?

  4. Why would any worthless, unmotivated, spoiled rotten rich kid, going to college on daddy’s dime, want to take challenging courses when they can go to Journalism school, go to classes when they felt like it, get stoned all day and be drunk all night, and never have to apply themselves?

  5. Mr. Anth Ropy: It wasn’t just physics, it was (is) math, chemistry, history, geography, geology, critical thinking, governmental studies, comparative religions, and physical education. The only field left for these low IQ losers was journalism.

  6. We didn’t need a study to know this.

    More than mental illness, etc., these corrupt bastards are in it for the money. They’re making millions selling out our country.

  7. reminds me of an old joke …

    cannibal walks into the cannibal butcher shop & walks down the ‘brains’ isle … all the brains laid out & prices … bricklayer brains $1.50 a lb., electrician brains $2.50 a lb., doctor brains $3.50 a lb. … cannibal get to ‘journalist’ brains …. $20 bucks a lb.!!! … yells to the butcher, “hey, what’s w/ the high price on ‘journalist’ brains? they should be a dime a dozen”

    butcher yells back … “you know how many journalists we have to harvest to get a pound of brains?!!!”

  8. Well it’s not a leap of logic to understand that journalism is simply emotional based emoting cross dressing as objectivity.

    Since the Marxists control the media is it any wonder the dregs drift to the bottom? Useful idiots are a major component of leftist propaganda, and “journalists” are the most useful idiots they have.

    They do not even need to know how to spell, punctuate, or use grammar rules because the computer will do it for them. They are just meat sacks spouting CIA narratives from teleprompters.

    Think Ron Burgundy and you have an accurate assessment of a news room (temperature) crew.

    You stay classy liberals… (snort)

  9. “janitors have to unstop the shitter, snake out a drain”

    sorry but janitors call plumbers for these jobs.

    most janitor’s don’t know which end of the plunger to hold.

  10. Education is the University ghetto.
    Journalism is the ghetto within the ghetto – sort of the shithouse of the brothel.

    Three steps down from the “Studies” studies.

    izlamo delenda est …


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