Study Finds You’re Better Off Without the COVID Vaccines – IOTW Report

Study Finds You’re Better Off Without the COVID Vaccines


Vaccinated people who received one of the updated bivalent vaccines had a higher risk of becoming infected when compared to people who had not—a group that included both vaccinated and unvaccinated people—researchers with the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio found.

The higher risk held even after adjusting for factors such as age and job location.

This study highlights the challenges of counting on protection from a vaccine when the effectiveness of the vaccine decreases over time as new variants emerge that are antigenically very different from those used to develop the vaccine,” Dr. Nabin Shrestha and other researchers said. More

20 Comments on Study Finds You’re Better Off Without the COVID Vaccines

  1. Our plans for the future take into consideration our loved ones forced to take the suicide jab…Those who arrogantly took the jabs and said I was crazy for not getting the jabs? They’re on their own.

  2. “This study highlights the challenges of counting on protection from a gov’t when the effectiveness of the gov’t decreases over time as new gov’ts emerge that are antigenically very different from those used to develop the gov’t.”


  3. Common sense said the same thing.
    I never did see the bodies pile up until after they started giving the jabs.
    Can’t speak for other parts of the country but its a steady flow lately mostly 50’s to the very elderly.
    I also have to be creative as they no longer list them all in the paper. I look at the listings from the funeral homes. Very eye opening.

  4. That’s a great big “No shit Sherlock” statement, after I had COVID last October and was hospitalized with it for 2 weeks and recovered I have and will not be vaccinated for COVID ever as my immune system and God helped me to fully recover. The whole damn COVID scare was for the most part designed to take away our freedom and make us all subject to the damn govt. mask mandates etc. which proved to be ineffective and worthless. My trust is in God and not some pissant like Dr. Fauci who was totally wrong about the whole thing being an existential public health crisis.

  5. This is the effect of having a political based government that goes off on tangents and has zero oversight on it’s agencies. It spends most of our tax dollars on justifying its mistakes and generating false fears. Example UFOs they have recovered but no one has examined them close up, and they have been hidden away in underground bunkers for centuries. Why??

  6. Now what do those docs tell all the transplant patients who were forced to take the shots and are now in a really serious situation? What about the patients who have been denied all sorts of medical care because they wouldn’t comply and are now dead or severely ill because they couldn’t get the proper care?
    If there’s ever a law suit allowed against the pharma co’s we’re in.
    My father was convinced the shots killed him.

  7. It was never a vaccine in the first place.

    It wasn’t made like a vaccine.

    It didn’t work like a vaccine.

    It didn’t do what a vaccine does.

    It didn’t meet the definintion of a vaccine on even the NIHs own Web site, so they changed the definition.

    It was nothing but a murderous lie.

  8. And here’s the kicker; they are -STILL – forcing young children, DESPITE NOT EVER BEING IN DANGER FROM COVID IN THE FIRST PLACE, to take the vaxxxine to be allowed in manditory government indoctrination centers.

    Without any information whatsoever about its possible mutanegenic, teratrogenic, or reproductive system actions in children’s developing bodies.

    For no reason other than to take advantage of a 1986 vaccine law that totally shields them from any criminal or civil consequences of their misfeasance and malfeasance.

    Which is the only reason they called it a vaccine in the first place.

  9. Cleveburg here… I recall when the Cleveland Clinic came out with the statement early on that if you’ve had COVID you have better immuity than with any vacine… but the Bought & Paid For Knee-Pad Media did not promote.

  10. geoff the aardvark
    AT 6:11 PM

    “My trust is in God and not some pissant like Dr. Fauci who was totally wrong about the whole thing being an existential public health crisis.”

    …this guy would agree with you. Excellent article on The One Lie To Rule Them All and the history of Government overreacting to pandemics.

    We’ve been here before.

    Ended badly then, too…

    “it’s the one lie to rule them all. the one lie to rule us all. the truly big lie constituting a forest that has been lost for the trees and perversely therefore winds up being reinforced by the very debate about the little lies.

    and that lie is this:

    pandemics are dangerous to modern societies.

    because the fact is that they are not.”

  11. I had to get two shots, wish I had never got the thing. I couldn’t care less about the Covid risk. I’m worried about the long-term effects, especially since I already had cancer.

  12. Study Finds You’re Better Off Without the COVID Vaccines

    I didn’t need any study when Operation Warp Speed hit the market. All the rhetoric and BS that came from the push, told me it was a death jab. I was thankful for Dr. Malone speaking the truth. BTW, young people are still dropping dead for no apparent reason.

  13. When any person or group of people are baited by money to produce a given result…..There needs to be a very strong and vigilant oversight.
    Sadly, you won’t find that in government.

  14. Covid showed me how easily the majority, regardless of their politics will bow down and do as they’re told, including allowing something injected into their body. It also taught how tyrannical even the smallest governments will be and it proved cops are not your friend and will do as those who sign their checks tell them to do.


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