STUDY: Fully Vaccinated Carry 251 Times The Normal Viral Load Of COVID-19, May Be Super Spreaders – IOTW Report

STUDY: Fully Vaccinated Carry 251 Times The Normal Viral Load Of COVID-19, May Be Super Spreaders

National File: A new study has revealed that people who are “fully vaccinated” carry a staggering 251 times the normal viral load of COVID-19. Experts are concerned that this may pose a risk to those who have not received the COVID-19 vaccine, and it also seems likely these increased viral loads could result in more so-called “breakthrough” cases of those who have been vaccinated contracting COVID-19.

A study by the Oxford University Clinical Research Group published on August 10th in The Lancet found that fully vaccinated people carry 251 times the viral load of coronavirus as compared to those who have not received one of the controversial vaccines. “Viral loads of breakthrough Delta variant infection cases were 251 times higher than those of cases infected with old strains detected between March-April 2020,” reads the study. more

41 Comments on STUDY: Fully Vaccinated Carry 251 Times The Normal Viral Load Of COVID-19, May Be Super Spreaders

  1. It’s getting so I can’t figure out if a story/study is trying to scare me away from the jab or scare me into getting the jab. There’s usually a tell, though…

    “The study focused on healthcare workers who were unable to leave the hospital for two weeks.”

    IKW, a study based on a unicorn farm. I think I see where this one is coming from: You’d better get the jab, or the jabbed are going to kill you with their heavy covid loads. And if you got the jab, you’d better get your booster pronto. More division, fear-mongering and manipulation by the forced jab crowd.

    And The Lancet?

    And Astra Zeneca?

    Color me skeptical.

  2. The medical community has known about “leaky vaccines” for 20 to 30 years. This has all been done by design. The people who have been vaccinated are not just super spreaders they are human petri dishes creating the new variants.

    A vaccine that does not kill the virus but allows transmission is what causes the virus to mutate into a new variant. This is common medical knowledge. It’s why Robert Malone the creator of MRNA vaccines came out and said that no one should EVER be taking these vaccines.

  3. Think about this.
    According to the VARES reporting system. More people have died from this vaccine roll out than from both 9/11 and December 7 attacks combined. The swine flu vaccine was pulled out of circulation by the FDA after 26 people died. This is the most deadly vaccine roll out in human history.

    I know this is anecdotal, but I work with a lot of elderly people. I hear story after story of fully vaccinated people “getting Covid“ and dying. I keep talking to people who caught Covid and are not vaccinated, they are then diagnosed with Covid and they all say it was no big deal. Why the disconnect, what’s the difference? The difference is that these shots are weakening your immune system. It’s not a coincidence that they’re talking about rolling out a third booster shot. what’s more, now they’re talking about a vaccine resistant Covid. Of course it’s become vaccine resistant. That is what happens when you have a vaccine that does not kill the virus but allows transmission it makes the virus stronger!!!

    Pfizer has already been sued both civilly and criminally and found guilty for lying about their products. But the FDA just approved the Pfizer shot. I’m sure it has nothing to do with Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci having stock in Pfizer. Or the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation donating millions to the national health regulation Association the vaccine oversight agency. Nah…

    There’s no way that you can convince me that history will not show this to be the greatest terrorist attack the world is ever known.

  4. Viral… “load.” 🤨

    Now where did this new make-believe phrase JUST come from? Mickey Mauci? The DMA (Demtard Medical Association)? ShitbamaKare? 🙄

    Sounds to me, more like a, “PANT load!” 💩💩💩

  5. hint- for starters, they’re injecting the shit and then it tells the injected body to make more of itself.
    That’s where the increased ‘load’ comes from. Not ‘the unvaxxinated.’ Viruses naturally mutate for survival, and that accounts for some of the mutations. But I’ll say the that not every body replicates the virus in the same way. That is another source of mutation and I think that is the problem source. And those would be unnatural mutations.
    ‘no man is smarter than a virus’ I still say that
    We ain’t toys- quit playing with us. You’re hurting people.

  6. Bob M., I remember back when they first started hyping masks, and the big sell was that it reduced the “viral load”, such that the amount of virus inhaled or exhaled would be greatly reduced, which would ostensibly lessen the severity of a covid infection. Now we know that was all bullshit.

    Then the jab, which was supposed to prevent infection, got downgraded to a poor therapeutic which would supposedly lessen symptoms. Now they tell us that the asymptomatic jabbed, unlike the asymptomatic unjabbed, are superspreaders carrying massive “viral loads”.

    I guess it wasn’t enough to stoke the jabbed with murderous rage against the unjabbed. Now they’re trying to make the unjabbed fear and loathe the jabbed, instead of just pitying them. And they want us to believe that resistance against assimilation into the jabborg is futile. The childish level of their manipulation is laughable, but they wield the power of adults, and we must take our medicine like good children, or else.

  7. @ Mohammed’s pink swastika AUGUST 26, 2021 AT 8:18 AM

    No, the vaccination does not cause the virus to mutate. I did not study medicine, I am an engineer and as such have an appreciation for detail. I do have sufficient education in biology as well as extensive knowledge regarding genetics that I studied in detail during the period when I was breeding dogs to understand the basics regarding the propagation of genetic mutation.

    What frustrates me no end is the number of “experts” running around who have been inculcated with some sense that their opinion is worth spit. The simple fact of the matter is most of the population is so feebly educated that they don’t gave the educational foundation to understand what the hell they are running around giving an opinion on.

    I had one the other day expounding on their opinion regarding the merits of one vaccine over the others when this nitwit opinion on the subject is based nothing but what they have been fed by the governmedia. If I wanted an opinion on the merits of chicken vs cow shit to fertilize my garden I might listen to their experience with both, but if I were looking for an opinion on something they have no foundational knowledge whatsoever to support their high opinion of their knowledge on… not so much.

    Half the Goddamned country fancies themselves epidemiologists these days and the fuckers base that on being able to recite chapter and verse of what they saw on television last night.

    I’ve had more than enough of this poppycock to last me the rest of my life.

    Organisms mutate because cells replicate and that replication relies on copying or genetic information. Unless the vaccine is altering the genetic code of the organism it is not the cause of the mutation. The propagation of a mutated organism is due to its lack of effectiveness against the mutated organism.

  8. ^^^ There’s no way that you can convince me that history will not show this to be the greatest terrorist attack the world is ever known.”

    they’re planning on the whole thing being successful, and, if so, the history they then write will glorify what is going on. In other words, they will use other words.

  9. ^^^ “No, the vaccination does not cause the virus to mutate. …Organisms mutate because cells replicate and that replication relies on copying or genetic information.”

    Agree that the vaxxine doesn’t _cause_ mutation, but the, even ever so slight, genetic differences in recipients can _allow_ mutations to occur as they replicate the spikes. And it does. It certainly doesn’t have any provision for prevention of mutation.

  10. First, they put infected seniors back into the nursing homes where the most vulnerable patients were defenseless.

    Now, we find that they are cultivating and spreading the virus around to the maximum degree intentionally??

    Government isn’t the answer, it’s the problem, said the Gipper.

    And it’s always about money: their primary intent was to cull the herd, seniors first. And to install US communism.

  11. It would be nice if we had a government we could trust. Then it would simply publish the number of vaccinated and Unvaccinated people who caught the Covid. But we can’t be trusted with that information.

  12. @mike

    “ It also turns out that members of Pfizer donated over $256,520 to Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, $152,120 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign, $112,933 to the National Republican Senatorial Committee, $106,859 to the DNC Services Corp, $99,811 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and $89,276 to the national Republican Congressional Committee.”

  13. JD, “Organisms mutate because cells replicate and that replication relies on copying or genetic information.”

    If a vaccinated person has 251 times the viral load, doesn’t that mean the chances of a vaccinated person creating a variation is, at least somewhat, increased?

  14. @JDhasty

    “No, the vaccination does not cause the virus to mutate. I did not study medicine, I am an engineer and as such have an appreciation for detail. I do have sufficient education in biology as well as extensive knowledge regarding genetics that I studied in detail during the period when I was breeding dogs to understand the basics regarding the propagation of genetic mutation.“

    Don’t quit your day job. Here is your boy talking about how vaccines often make the virus worse, not only that, admitting that vaccines often times give the person the virus they are trying to inoculate against. Also admitting that they were manufacturing this gene therapy before doing any tests. March 2020

    “What frustrates me no end is the number of “experts” running around who have been inculcated with some sense that their opinion is worth spit. The simple fact of the matter is most of the population is so feebly educated that they don’t gave the educational foundation to understand what the hell they are running around giving an opinion on.”

  15. Mohammed’s pink swastika.

    Thank you for saving me a lot of time finding this info for JDHasty, who guessed wrong about what the phenomenon is that encourages more rapid mutation.

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