Study: Nearly 1/4 of Illegals on the California Border Have a Mental Disorder – IOTW Report

Study: Nearly 1/4 of Illegals on the California Border Have a Mental Disorder

Breitbart: WASHINGTON, D.C. — Nearly a quarter of Mexican illegal aliens surveyed in a new study have a mental disorder.

The study, conducted by Rice University, found that, out of the sample 250 Mexican illegal aliens living in California near the U.S.-Mexico border, nearly 25 percent suffered from a mental disorder, including depression, anxiety, and panic disorder.

“The estimates obtained in this study for depression and anxiety disorders were considerably higher in this population when compared with estimates for the general U.S. population,” one of the researchers noted.

More specifically, roughly 14 percent of illegal aliens living near the southern border said they suffered from depression, while eight percent said they had a panic disorder. Another seven percent said they had general anxiety.

The study also found that four percent of the illegal aliens studied had substance abuse issues.  more here


11 Comments on Study: Nearly 1/4 of Illegals on the California Border Have a Mental Disorder

  1. Did they come out of the shadows for this study?
    Why study them? Just send them back and let their own countries deal with them.
    My empathy meter is completely broken.

  2. They suffer panic attacks and are anxious because they have to keep looking over their shoulders for I.C.E. and they’re depressed because they know the gig is up and they’re likely to be deported soon. Good riddance.

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