Study Says People who curse a lot likely to have a gargantuan, elephantine, titanic, mountainous, capacious, voluminous and prodigious vocabulary… muthaf**…. – IOTW Report

Study Says People who curse a lot likely to have a gargantuan, elephantine, titanic, mountainous, capacious, voluminous and prodigious vocabulary… muthaf**….


Benjamin Bergen is the author of the book: “What the F: What Swearing Reveals About Our Language, Our Brains, and Ourselves.”

“It turns out that there are amazing things you can find out about how the mind works, how the brain works, people’s human sociality just by looking at profanity,” he explained.

The professor of Cognitive Science at UC San Diego said cursing could be linked to higher intelligence.

“It turns out that on average, the ones who swear the most also have the biggest vocabulary overall,” Bergen added.


I need to find that priest who dressed me down in public when I was 16 because he overheard me call musical equipment I was loading into a truck “sh*t.”

He said I used that word because I had a limited vocabulary.

I said, “nah uh, father, it’s because this stuff is sh*t. How about a donation?”

He didn’t see the humor in my comment.

ht/ rob e.

39 Comments on Study Says People who curse a lot likely to have a gargantuan, elephantine, titanic, mountainous, capacious, voluminous and prodigious vocabulary… muthaf**….

  1. This is a big fucking deal!
    I b’leive, y’know, that that muthuhfuckuh know some shit, dawg!
    See, cuz I gotz sum knawledge of big words, an shit, and I done benda college, an shit, an be’s ViPreznt! Wurdz be like connections of letters, an shit, what make sum cents to wunz’nother in the spreshens of idees! So whenz Barky sez “What?” with that goobr look on is face, I split my gutz laffin, cuz I no’s what he meens, an shit!

  2. I think he’s probably right. If your limbic brain is more developed than normal, probably so is the rest of your brain, including your speech center. This would mean you’re an exceptionally well-developed reptile!

  3. I may have a little trouble with this story. I personally know a couple dipshits that can’t open their mouth without saying fuck, no matter who’s around and I know neither of them would ever be accused of being intelligent.
    I know…there are exceptions to every case.

  4. “It turns out, on average, the ones who swear the most also have the highest vocabulary.” Now, I have been known to swear like a drunken Marine at times. But, in my experience, being around people who drop “F-bombs” every sentence as part of their normal speech habits are ignorant as hell.

  5. Well, all seriousness aside, would you take the time to explain to a re-TARD nihilistic socialist, who’s prancing around carrying a “Trump is a Nazi” sign while braying about racism, the socio-economic, not to mention psychological, incongruities of socialism, the inherent contradictions, and the simple fact that it has NEVER worked ANYWHERE or ANYTIME on Earth, and cannot, because it is a philosophy of greed and envy that reduces all mankind to cyphers?

    Or just tell em to “Eat shit, ya fuckin moron!”?

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I used to swear like a drunken sailor in high school. But over the years I’ve tempered it pretty well. So that’s great progress. Plus I have kids and I don’t want to cuss around them. Although I’m not exactly innocent in that department. LOL! Yet it’s hard to say, “Gollygeewillikers” when you accidentally hurt yourself with a hammer. I don’t use the Lord’s name in vain though.

    I almost forgot to add that I hate that piece of SHIT Barack Obama. He’s a FUCKING COCKSUCKER who needs to be FUCKING packed to the dustbin of history. And his wife is a CUNT.

    Sorry if I offended any liberals who might see this but truth be told I’m not sorry and I don’t give a flying FUCK.

  7. I tend to let the curse words roll off my tongue the closer I get to snapping. It doesn’t mean I have a big vocabulary, it means I am right fucking choked about something.

    However, I occasionally curse in casual conversation and that actually may prove I do have a larger vocabulary. Using curse words in proper context takes skill and when done correctly, the participant barely notices or were thinking the same thing.

  8. I knew this thread was dangerous territory.
    Jumping bald headed Jesus on a pogo stick. Where the fuck did you think this was going?

    How about thread of everyone’s favorite dirty jokes?
    I know one or two. Could make for a fun Saturday night.

  9. I’ve never had a problem with people understanding what I mean regardless of the words I chose to express myself.
    I used to cuss like a drunken Marine, then I became one.
    Words are cheap and I’ve used the cheapest.
    I now limit my cursing to assholes on the internet, but I do try to limit my expletives (unless provoked ….. and these past 8 years I have been provoked beyond containment).

    Words? No. By your actions you will be judged.

  10. A few years ago in the Florida Fantasy Five lottery the numbers
    3-6-11-19-21 came up.
    They spell FUCKS when applied to the alphabet sequence.
    Normally you may have one or two people hit it.
    This time more than 100 did and it didn’t pay very well.
    Once they saw the payout, they likely said “FUCK!”

  11. I’ve found that when the salty language is used to advance humor, it comes from an intelligent person. Maybe it is used to make your point, get peoples attention or pound on a moron Just throwing around swear words left and right comes from an idiot.

  12. There is nothing like a well placed cuss word for effect. For example: ” I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I’ll kill you all.” Marine Gen.James Mattis. (May well be President Trump’s Sec. Of Defence.)

  13. I have never let one curse word escape my lips. With a switch in one hand and a bar of soap in the other, my mom made sure my older brothers didn’t curse. Being the youngest of the three, I learned from their punishment. 🙂

    I was also an English Lit major in college.

    I challenge my vocabulary to any leftie crybaby.

    Guess what? I WIN!!!!

  14. Aside from its sexual connotations, this incredible word can be used to many situations:

    1. Greetings “How the fuck are ya?”
    2. Fraud “I got fucked by the car dealer.”
    3. Resignation “Oh, fuck it!”
    4. Trouble “I guess I’m fucked now.”
    5. Aggression “FUCK YOU!”
    6. Disgust “Fuck me.”
    7. Confusion “What the fuck…….?”
    8. Difficulty “I don’t understand this fucking business!”
    9. Despair “Fucked again…”
    10. Pleasure “I fucking couldn’t be happier.”
    11. Displeasure “What the fuck is going on here?”
    12. Lost “Where the fuck are we.”
    13. Disbelief “UNFUCKINGBELIEVABLE!”
    14. Retaliation “Up your fucking ass!”
    15. Denial “I didn’t fucking do it.”
    16. Perplexity “I know fuck all about it.”
    17. Apathy “Who really gives a fuck, anyhow?”
    18. Greetings “How the fuck are ya?”
    19. Suspicion “Who the fuck are you?”
    20. Panic “Let’s get the fuck out of here.”
    21. Directions “Fuck off.”
    22. Disbelief “How the fuck did you do that?”

  15. This is timely.
    This afternoon I was in my local bar with a few of the regulars, and a drunken, tattooed stranger came in and sat down with our group.
    We’re a friendly bunch so everything was cool.
    UNTIL, he looked at Bob (who is the quietest in the bunch) and said he was getting a “bad vibe” off him, so he moved to another spot. It’s a horseshoe bar, which is great and makes for good conversation, except this guy used the f-bomb for every second word.
    Well, this dumb bastard got drunker and louder and his language got progressively worse.
    We all cuss but, as it happened, there was a group of about forty teenage girls with maybe twenty adult escorts, who were in town for a hockey tournament. They were sitting maybe 30 feet from us.
    Finally, I couldn’t take this stranger’s language any more and pointed out politely that he might want to cut out the f-bombs, because there were a lot of young women in the place.
    Believe it or not, he tried to defend himself by explaining that he grew up in a house full of cursing.
    I told him that that was too bad, but he needs to control his language.
    After more nonsense arguing, I suggest we go out to the parking lot to discuss this in private.
    The idiot finally clued in and chilled out.
    After I said goodbye to my homies, and was on my way out the door, I heard him let loose with a whole string of f-bombs.
    I hope my big buddy, Al, straightened him out in my absence.
    And I don’t think he was all that intelligent, either.

  16. Back in my day we could insult without ever cussin.’

    Henry 1V Part 1.
    “You starveling, you eel-skin, you dried neat’s tongue, you bulls-puzzle, you stock-fish- O for breath to utter what like thee! – You tailor’s yard, you sheath, you bow-case, you vile standing tuck.”
    Billy Shakespeare.
    Now that’s a fucking ass chewing. Anyone know what a ‘bull’s- Puzzle” is? A queer?

  17. @Moe Tom: It was actually “Bulls-pizzle“, or bull’s penis.

    Here is the original, followed by the modern English “translation”:

    ‘Sblood, you starveling, you elfskin, you dried neat’s tongue, you bull’s pizzle, you stockfish! O, for breath to utter what is like thee! You tailor’s-yard, you sheath, you bowcase, you vile standing tuck—

    Dammit! You scarecrow, you skin of an elf, you dried-out ox’s tongue, you bull’s penis, you salted cod! Oh, I wish I had enough breath to tell you all the things you are! You yardstick, you empty sheath, you case for a violinist’s bow, you disgusting erect sword—

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