Study Shows Right-Wing Happier in Their Marriages – IOTW Report

Study Shows Right-Wing Happier in Their Marriages

The right is more likely to be in a marriage and their marriages are happier.

7 Comments on Study Shows Right-Wing Happier in Their Marriages

  1. Yep….my friends that are liberals are on their second or third marriage. They have little moral values and don’t believe in God. They also can’t keep a job and
    Spend their lives drinking and using drugs.
    They think that my life is easy because I have a large business.
    I tell them I work ten hour days, but I’m the boss so I really don’t work.
    That’s what they think. Their brains are all screwed up.
    Liberalism IS a mental illness.

  2. I would venture they don’t tend to read into every stinking nuance and particle of dust in the air to get to the bottom of what must be the problem–and there always has to be a problem. And of course, leftist women blame everything on men. I like to say, “FFS just put the bloody toilet seat down, it’s not that difficult” to represent the myriad ways in which these women demand men understand them but it just doesn’t occur to so many of these dipshits that it works the other way around, too.

    If I were a man, that asshattery would get real old, real fast, and I imagine it does for many men–except the self haters who prop up the idiocy with their surrender to savage feminists.

  3. Liberals are only too happy to preach to the average, hard-working, over-taxed payer how to live, what to eat, how to raise yer kids, what kind of energy we need, what kind of Gay electric clown-car to drive and of course who to vote for, whose lives consist of shuffling through the revolving door of divorce courts, bankruptcy courts, custody courts, criminal courts and rehab centers yet can’t wind a watch without a personal trainer, a house-keeper, a consultant and a psychiatrist. Male or female, being a phony is pretty tough to stomach after a while no matter who ya are!
    A large dose of common sense goes a loooong way.
    I’d be a rich man if I could bottle and sell that!

  4. So far 33 years with the same woman. It depends on how you view your commitments. When I said “I do” I looked straight up and made my vow to God. Sure, there’s been rough patches and most of them due to me, but He does honor that commitment if you do.

  5. I would bet there’s a huge overlap between Christians and conservatives especially here in the Bible belt. Christians that are true to their faith take their marriage vows very seriously.

    The left lives a lie, and will do anything as a means to their earthly utopia (the Earth is of the Devil and so is Marxism). We Christians treat heaven as our final destination, and the Earth is a proving grounds four our souls and free will.

  6. I was married to the same woman for nearly 36 years till she unfortunately passed away from leukemia. My vow to her when we got married in 1977 included for better and worse and till death do us part. My parents have been married 63 years and my wife’s parents were married for 45 years till my Mother in law died in 1998. At times it was easy, other times it was hard but I wouldn’t trade my marriage to my wife for any other woman. If nothing else we did it for our 3 adult kids and they’re proud of both of us.

  7. Been married 3 times, yeah, I know.
    I like smart women, the first two had MA degrees, the third has a MS in engineering, got it the old fashioned way, earned it, oh, she is to the right of me.
    Like peas and carrots.

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