Study Shows Viagra May Lower Risk of Alzheimer’s – IOTW Report

Study Shows Viagra May Lower Risk of Alzheimer’s


Viagra Study Provides ‘Food for Thought.’

It’s an intriguing study that provides “food for thought,” as its lead author puts it. Researchers found men who’d been prescribed Viagra and similar PDE5 inhibitor drugs were 18% less likely to develop Alzheimer’s over a five-year period than those who hadn’t been prescribed the drugs. The finding was even stronger—a 44% lower risk—among the group of men who’d received 21 to 50 prescriptions in total, putting them in the “most-prescribed” tier. But don’t call your doctor for a prescription just yet:

It’s an intriguing study that provides “food for thought,” as its lead author puts it. Researchers found men who’d been prescribed Viagra and similar PDE5 inhibitor drugs were 18% less likely to develop Alzheimer’s over a five-year period than those who hadn’t been prescribed the drugs. The finding was even stronger—a 44% lower risk—among the group of men who’d received 21 to 50 prescriptions in total, putting them in the “most-prescribed” tier. But don’t call your doctor for a prescription just yet:

  • The asterisk: As the Guardian notes, it’s an observational study that found correlation, not causation. Essentially, it’s still unclear whether the pills offer some form of protection against Alzheimer’s or whether men who already had a lower risk of the disease (perhaps because they’re more physically active, for instance) are more likely to take Viagra.
  • The nuts and bolts of the study: Researchers looked at the medical records of roughly a quarter of a million men who had an erectile dysfunction diagnosis but no known memory issues; about half were taking drugs for their ED. The men were followed for five years (for a total of 1,309,205 person-years of follow-up), with any Alzheimer’s diagnoses over that time noted. Researchers logged 8.1 cases of Alzheimer’s per 10,000 person-years in the group prescribed the drugs, and 9.7 cases in the group not taking them, reports the BBC.
  • !!!!!!!!!

Did they just write “Nuts and Bolts”?

31 Comments on Study Shows Viagra May Lower Risk of Alzheimer’s

  1. A word of warning to seniors in particular who may think this is a good idea.

    Viagra is a vasodilator.

    This can drop blood pressure as it creates more room for the same volume.

    This can be fatal if other common medications for heart patients are being taken, such as nitroglycerin. This can permanently remove your risk of Altzheimers due to death by hypotension.

    It also interacts with migrane medications. Viagra is probably a bad idea if you are using anything that ends with -ine, such as ergotamine.

    Still, it’s your choice. After the last few months in particular I find it rather debatable if staving off Altzheiemers isn’t worth a risk of peacefully shuffling off this mortal coil by low BP, although there’s a risk you’ll recover with brain and other organ damage for your pains, kind of obviating the point in the first place.

    But anyone who chooses that route definitely needs to keep DNR in mind, as it would also suck to wake up with your mind still working enough to feel the pain of your broken ribs that you won’t live long enough to heal, snapped off when your sternum was being enthusiastically smashed towards your backbone, squishing your heart in between.

    Lousy choices, all.

    But you may get lucky, who knows.

    Just want everyone to have the information that there’s no magic bullet, and enriching the drug companies that sell such faint hope may come at a cost you could expect from conglomerates who have a vested interest in keeping us sick.

    Do as you think best for you and yours.

    Just be aware that there tends to be many more thorns than you are allowed to see in the picture of the rose they show us.

    And that’s even if you’re NOT looking for the primary advertised effect of Viagra.

    But retirement home see is an entirely different subject that I have little enthusiasm for relating today.

    Just know that it opens up a whole different world of risk and reward, so really it depends on what each man and woman think makes life worth living.

    All will die, this we know.

    But not all who die ever truly lived.

  2. I asked a florist once why she had so many 2-liter bottles of 7 Up in her shop. She told me that if you put a Viagra tablet in with some 7 Up in a vase for flowers it will cause the flowers to remain stiff and not wilt as fast and last longer. Who knew, but it’s an expensive way to keep flowers fresh longer. It also works with the little packets of powder that come with flowers and its cheaper.

  3. The thing about Viagra or Cialis is, if you don’t need it, don’t take it. Or you won’t be able to establish a woody naturally. You’ll be stuck sing it. You’re much better off getting to the root of the problem which is usually declining Testosterone level. Which will also cause a lot of other issues. Go get that fixed.

  4. Brad
    MONDAY, 19 FEBRUARY 2024, 13:26 AT 1:26 PM
    “The thing about Viagra or Cialis is, if you don’t need it, don’t take it. Or you won’t be able to establish a woody naturally. You’ll be stuck sing it.”

    …just like Pharma wants it.

    People on a forever drug, and they can render them all impotent at any time by reformulated or withdrawing it at any time.

    geoff the aardvark
    MONDAY, 19 FEBRUARY 2024, 13:15 AT 1:15 PM

    …curious about this. Viagra is a prescription drug. Pretty easy to get it anyway, granted, but seems to me if you openly advertise you’re using it off label and giving it in any form to anyone else that at least one of the alphabets would come for you…

  5. Just saw last night
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  6. SNS

    Online Docs that prescribe pharmaceuticals. To anyone. Which I’m not necessarily opposed to you understand. Especially as you get older. I think the only real advancement in nutrition and anti aging drugs are being done by the Compounding Pharmacies. Which usually have their own on line Doc. “Do you have a pulse? Great, here’s your prescription”

  7. Brad
    MONDAY, 19 FEBRUARY 2024, 14:45 AT 2:45 PM

    Online Docs that prescribe pharmaceuticals. ”

    Indeed. That isn’t the mystery, to me anyway.

    It’s that someone can tell the public they are misusing the drug and there’s no attempt by the Feds to throw their weight around.

    And don’t forget some of their customers may be stupid.

    They may drink the flower water, thinking it’s a bonus…

  8. SNS

    Gotcha, I think it’s so prevalent they can’t police it. You should see some of the Steroids these guys have been getting. I have no idea how or where they’re getting their hands on that shit. Trens the new one. It’ll kill you.

  9. Vigara dam near killed me.
    I took a 100 mg and went in to take a shower before bed. When I climbed out my doodoo got tangled in the shower curtain and I fell back into the tub. Bounced my noggin off the tub wall and when I came to my woody was gone and I STILL had a headache.


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