Study: The U.S. isn’t one of the top 10 most free countries in the world – IOTW Report

Study: The U.S. isn’t one of the top 10 most free countries in the world

McClatchy: With costly healthcare, a stereotype of obesity and a culture of creatively fatty foods, “healthy” probably isn’t the first word that comes to mind when you think of the United States.

But according to the Legatum Prosperity Index’s findings for 2015, the U.S. is the healthiest country in the world. However, when it comes to freedom, an ideal most Americans pride themselves on, the U.S. falls to 15.

So what’s the country with the most personal freedom? Canada, followed by New Zealand, Norway, Luxembourg and Iceland.

Personal freedom, as defined by the London-based Legatum Institute, measures a nation’s performance at both guaranteeing individual freedom and encouraging social tolerance. Canada was ranked No. 1 due to 94 percent of its citizens saying they believed they had the freedom to choose the course of their own lives and 92 percent saying there was tolerance for ethnic minorities and immigrants.  MORE

11 Comments on Study: The U.S. isn’t one of the top 10 most free countries in the world

  1. This is a steaming pile of socialist pig shit. Apparently one is more free if one tows the government line and is awash in tolerance.
    Besides, if we are so #15 why are so many useless pieces of fleshy debris clamoring to sneak in here?

  2. Oh so “thinking” you have the freedom to live your life as you see fit is the criteria? What horseshit. I used to “think” I could refuse to make glass dildos for a homo wedding. Now I’m not.

    I agree we’re no where near the top in personal freedom but Canada is first? Where they’re importing moslims at an even faster pace then us? More horseshit.

    They break down their freedom ratings in a number of ways including economically. That really is the only freedom that matters because without the free exchange of services without the onus of government regulation, nothing else is possible.

    It is estimated that had regulations/bureaucracy remained at ~1950s’ levels, we would have a GDP of almost $50 Trillion instead of the anemic $15 trillion we have now. The average income would be north of $150,000(average mind you) and inflation would essentially be non existent.

    Instead we have the fucking economic nightmare we’re living now with the very real prospect of a new administration that will raise taxes to new all time highs including, for all intents and purposes, making the advantages of the lower capital gains tax rate null & void. Couple that with an amped up Obamacare, millions more illegals, a million or more legal moslims a year, more H-1B visas, a SC that will once & for all bury the Constitution and you can say adios.

    I also see on this chart our education is ranked 9th. Give me a fucking break. The teacher’s unions are turning out millions of young adults that have absolutely no idea what an incredible stroke of luck they have by being just born here and instead fill their heads with how horrible this country is, how our Founding was the work of evil white, slave owners and they’re secretly all racists. Well it’s working. It took almost a 100 years to destroy our bedrock of traditions & culture, but they’ve done it.

    Hong Kong, ostensively under Red Chinese control, has the freest economy in the world. Low taxes, small bureaucracy, very little welfare, open and debt free banking, and a government that takes about 7% out of the private sector. Compare that to our economy where the historical 18% is now in the mid 20s and expected to rise into the 40s in the next decade+

    There are several countries on this list that get low marks across the board but I know for a fact they have their heads screwed on right about important things like the free exchange of goods/services, the right of association, immigration and a central bank not out of it’s mind printing TRILLIONS in fairy dust money. My gal and I are looking for some peace as we glide out of this dimension and we know it’s not gonna happen with President Hillary.

  3. According to my scholarly and social scientific study, Legatum Prosperity has been ranked 1st out of 100 for the worst scholarly and social scientific studies. They barely beat out TMZ for the 1st spot.

  4. Canada: Where preachers cannot quote the Bible on the evils of homosexuality.
    Where secretly appointed Tribunals Pass judgment and fine you for intolerance.
    Yeah, that freedom loving Canada. Everyone is so nice. They are forced to be.

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