Study: Walmart Runs Better Stores in White Areas – IOTW Report

Study: Walmart Runs Better Stores in White Areas

This might be a case of biased researchers overreaching to the point where they may get some rebuttals they won’t like.

The contention is that Walmart is intentionally running inferior stores in poor minority areas, and putting more resources into white areas.

Hmm. How do I put this politely? Well, I can’t, so here goes-


Are these researchers nuts? It’s not just Walmart. It’s every mart.

Stores are not built with gum on the floor, and a used diaper thrown in the corner. They are brand new on opening day. By month’s end they look pretty much like what a poor neighborhood looks like — filthy and in disarray.

Two stores, given the same budget for sales clerks and clean up crew, might have to allocate funds differently because of the patronage. This is not the fault of the eveeel white people at corporate headquarters.


I live near about a 2 mile stretch of outdoor strip malls. It’s one of the nicest areas in the entire city in terms of shopping. Every store parking lot is immaculate, and it’s a pleasure to shop there, save one. The Walmart. The Walmart is a sh!thole, and this is a mostly white area.  I’m pretty sure Walmart dedicates as much time and money in their parking lot upkeep as their neighboring stores. So why the disparity?

It’s because Walmart is a minority mecca. The pilgrimage seems to reach its height on Friday nights, and the parking lot looks like a budding landfill. You can expect to step in just about anything when exiting your car.

Do I see teams of people with push brooms and litter pokers in the other parking lots? No. The garbage is simply not dropped at the same rate as at the Walmart. Staples, the place that sells items that people who work need to have, is right near Walmart. It’s immaculate.

You know, these minority areas were simply beautiful until Walmart came into town, said nobody ever.

I’m pretty sure I’ve taken the progressive bait and now they can point at me and call me, and others like me, racist, which was the point of their asinine study all along.

(NEWSER) – Ouch. A study out of Columbia University suggests that Walmart deliberately runs much better stores in white neighborhoods than in minority neighborhoods. The study found that stores in lower-income neighborhoods have considerably lower customer service ratings than those in wealthier ones. More specifically, the higher the percentage of black or Latino residents in an area, the lower the Walmart rating, reports Consumerist. The researchers suggest one reason is that the chain generally doesn’t staff stores in low-income neighborhoods adequately because it doesn’t need to do so—Walmarts in such neighborhoods are often the only place people can shop, and thus competition and customer satisfaction aren’t priorities.

“When Walmart moves into the South Side of Chicago, it’s not really displacing numerous other businesses,” study author Adam Reich tells the Atlantic. “So it can shortchange investments in staff, and force people to work harder. Consumers don’t have a choice about where they’re shopping.” The authors, who published their study in the American Sociological Association journal Contexts, analyzed Yelp reviews of 2,840 stores and found that those in predominantly black areas tend to be rated with words like “nasty,” “terrible,” and “unorganized,” while those in white areas tend to be described as “friendly,” “clean,” and “pleasant.” A Walmart spokesperson tells Business Insider that the analysis is both “flawed” and “without merit,” and the publication notes a few “holes,” including that reviewer bias and outside influence can’t be accounted for.

32 Comments on Study: Walmart Runs Better Stores in White Areas

  1. Oh, do they mean like the Walmarts in Ferguson or Baltimore? Yeah, I don’t think they’re gonna be springing a lot of dough to keep those stores all spic and span. Just so ya know.

  2. My town will absolutely not allow a Wal-mart. It’s not the only magnet to classless people, so is Kmart, for example. It is also a problem with the Wal-mart manager and its staff. It’s their attitudes.

    About 7 miles away, there’s a wal-mart that has 75% black people working there. That’s fine, I don’t care about the color of the employees- what I do care about is the overly loud, childish acts of the employees. One woman needed a cashier manager at her register. Instead of picking up the phone and calling her, she yelled out across the hills, “Gurrrrl, come over here a minute. Don’t ack like you ain’t seen me! This shit broke!!!” And to make it worse, the woman had hair like a Snork.
    (Go look up Snork if you don’t know what they are)

    have. mercy.

    When you have low-lifes shopping and low-lifes managing and a headquarters who doesn’t stand up for their GOOD employees or customers when people get crazy- that’s a problem. Their parking lots are always gross, their carts are always sticky and nasty, etc. That attracts the same kind of people. Sticky and nasty. lol.

    Now, before anyone starts giving me the side-eye. Yes, I know not every single Wal mart or Kmart, etc is like this. And I know not every employee is a useless sack of crap. But in general, this is what the public sees. And yet Wal-mart does nothing to clamp down on this. Nothing.
    There’s a reason PEOPLE OF WALMART sites exist and there are no PEOPLE OF NORDSTROMS sites. I’m sure Wal-mart makes tons more money than Nordstroms, yet they can’t manage to keep
    shit in check? No. They don’t want to.

    I’m MJA and I approve this rant. 😀

  3. I park in the furthest spot from the store at Wal-Mart. Not because I like walking through a football field of trash, but because I know people who trash the area won’t exclude cars, not to mention 400 pound bellies rubbing along side my car, swinging adjacent doors, and runaway carts. Our local Wal-Mart is approximately 40% white, 30% mexican, 20% black, and 10% over 500 pounds.

  4. “Yelp reviews of 2,840 stores and found that those in predominantly black areas tend to be rated with words like “nasty,” “terrible,” and “unorganized,” while those in white areas tend to be described as “friendly,” “clean,” and “pleasant.”

    ell, just look at the neighborhood surrounding WalMart in a black neighborhood. What store was first to get hit when there’s a riot? Even the black cops were looting. The spokes person said the survey is flawed. No it isn’t, WalMart doesn’t want to single out one race that is incapable of acting civil or steal you blind. We’ve got a Super Walmart being built here – white people are the majority here or else it wouldn’t get built.

  5. The mountains above Los Angeles are mostly part of a National Forest (or National Park, now, because Obama). Anyway, during the summer weekends, hundreds of thousands – maybe millions – of wetbacks drive up there where the temperatures are far lower than down in the valleys.

    I used to occasionally go up there too, and every time it was the same story. We would arrive early in the morning, the area was nearly pristine. As we were moving out from the road, the wetbacks would begin arriving and unpacking all their crap for the day.

    When we returned, near the end of the day, the wetbacks would mostly be gone, but all their trash was still there – used diapers, meat packages, and so on. The area – and it didn’t matter where we went – looked like a landfill. Every time.

    The Forest Service always managed to clean the wetback mess up by the next weekend – until fairly recently, when someone obviously said ‘fuck this shit,’ and started leaving all the garbage there.

    The wetbacks screamed bloody murder, “nobody cleaned up the fucking mess we left last weekend!!!”

    I’ve always wondered why INS doesn’t set up check points, around noon, on the roads leading out of these mountains. They would catch hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of illegals on day one.

  6. We have a 7-11 in my town. 7-11 is another potential crap magnet and It’s in a strip mall- no incidents, no robberies, no nothing. Why?
    The owner runs a tight ship, it’s well- lit and clean. If someone does start shit they’re quickly thrown out. That’s why.

  7. AC- The Angeles Forest was getting that way. Been up there a few times and some areas were overrun with lowrider dumbasses drinking on the side of the road with their pants hanging off them. In snow or 90 degree weather , they wear the same Oakland Raider jackets, baggy shorts and white socks. Ugh.

  8. When I lived in Socal, a Target store was getting remodeled (I forget where… North Hollywood?) and the people in the neighborhood would keep stealing the construction supplies. LOL
    At some point, the store had to keep reducing its services because of theft. Christmas tree lot was canceled. The garden center was closed a year or two later and the shoplifting was rampant. Finally they just said fuck it and closed the store permanently.

  9. I love how certain chains like to hire illegals *cough* TARGET, Wal-mart * cough* who don’t understand English as their stock crew. White glue or caulk mixed in with the toothpaste,
    items in the wrong price-points.

  10. My experience with Wallyworld over the last week. First of all the only time I go inside a Walmart is when I’m changing the oil in my diesel. They have killer pricing on the oil I use. So last week we drive down to our closet Walmart and the place is thick with Muzzies. Folsom California, an upper middle class town that is home to a very large Intel facility. Rumor has it they’ve been shipping them in and they’ve taken over a couple apartment complexes where UPS drop packages off at the gate. They won’t go inside.
    Second experience was yesterday at a gun store in a bad bad part of town. “BAD”. There’s a Walmart right next door and on the property line there were police units, CSI, and a coroners van. I’m gathering it wasn’t from natural causes.

  11. A few years back there was a hue and cry because there was no grocery store for the people living in the west side.
    Publix surrendered to the rabble and built one.
    It was open about a year, people would walk in and just walk out with whatever they wanted.
    The store closed when the outside refrigeration units were stolen.
    Just the other day, yep, the same asshole was decrying the lack of a store in the food desert.

  12. But WHO are the people giving the reviews on Yelp? I would imagine that in the wealthier areas, folks with more money are doing the reviewing, and in poorer areas, it’s the poor. Could this just be a matter of differing attitudes in the different areas?

    The Mister and I were in a Walmart in Niagara Falls, New York, and saw two Black women start beating the crap out of a disabled woman in the checkout line! Evidently, the disabled woman’s scooter brushed up against one of the women, and they became feral savages. They knocked the woman and her scooter over, and started punching and kicking her. Somebody yelled that they were calling the police, and the two ferals ran out of the story, carrying merchandise they hadn’t paid for. Been to the Walmart in Decatur, Texas, and quite a few Black people were there, and they were friendly and pleasant.

  13. And I love him for it but really, what the fuck is Trump’s outreach to blacks going to accomplish? When he creates millions of jobs and black men are still not working, what’s he going to say?

    When RR created millions of jobs and lowered black unemployment, guess what? He got 14% of the black vote in 80 which is pretty amazing but in 84? 3%! Now we’ve got 2 or 3 generations of blacks who have never worked or seen anyone in their circle working. You can lead a horse to water…

    No matter what happens, whether black unemployment goes up or it goes down, some way blacks will interpret it as them being dissed.

  14. There used to an Albertsons grocery store in my neighborhood that closed about 4-5 years ago because the residents of a nearby area we lovingly call Felony Flats stole the store blind. My wife refused to go in there as close as it was because it was dirty, poorly lit and you just didn’t know who was shopping there. I only went there to pay my electric bill because they accepted payments there for our local electric company. One day when I was there a ratty looking white guy an obvious meth head bought a candy bar for $0.50 or so with an EBT card and kept the change which amounted to another $20-$30, I couldn’t believe it. Now the Safeway in my neighborhood is experiencing similar problems, other than lots of run and grab liquor thefts because liquor is sold in grocery stores now in the State of Washington.

  15. My rants about brown minorities are only a warning to whites that progressivism, if not staved off, will eventually turn whites into, what is the phrase, feral apes.

    White supremacy is a farce.
    Go look at any poor black area that has rubbed up against poor white areas and report back to me about the inherent superiority of white people.

    Russian ghettoes are just as much a filthy dangerous shithole as any brown ghetto. Why? Leftism, which leads to shared economic misery and Godlessness.

  16. I stopped going to Sam’s club in the city as the service was absolutely terrible, mostly black employees. Now I go to Costco in the ‘burbs where there’s great service, friendly, helpful staff.

    Worked inner city beats for a dozen years. Watched all major food chains move out due to crime. Same thing downtown, stores moved out to white areas – less crime, less BS. Worked PT in Grants dept. store while off duty – massive black women waltz in with 3 or 4 kids; steal half the store and when you grab them at the door they throw a screaming s**t fit about racism and they chillens, and day dis and dat. Yeah, now downtown has no major stores, not a one.

  17. I grew up in a poor, majority white, big city when I was a kid.
    The poor part of town wasn’t as nice as the rich side. The stores weren’t as nice as they were in the rich section of town.
    There was more litter in my section of town than the rich section.

    White people were more drunken, seamy, ill-spoken and prone to violence in the poor section.

    Sounds like class is largely tied to wealth.
    And when a one-stop store with low-prices is a magnet for the poor you will get low class as a bonus addition, whether they are white or brown.

  18. Got no issues with the Walmart by me. Granted, it is more of a “rural” area but we do have our different types. Clean with courteous employees. The closer you get to Milwaukee, yeppers, they do get trashier.
    As I said I have no issues by me.

  19. I see it already turning whites into feral apes. It’s not about being poor, poor people have always existed and yet had pride and took care of what little they had and had respect for what belonged to others and didn’t trash it or steal it.
    I still know poor people who are like that, but those poor people are truly poor and have something that is not in common with these other poor people and that is what little they have they have worked for.
    There really is truth in the old way of life when children were taught to work for they get and they will appreciate it.
    We now have generations of blacks and whites who have been given a roof over their head, clothes on their back and food on the their table. With that way of life comes some deep down anger with their way of life and with nobody to teach them respect for others, they think those with should give to those without.

    It’s all well and good to help those in need, but doing everything for those who won’t help themselves creates the society who will trash properties and take what is not nailed down in these areas.

  20. Anonymous, Totally disagree. It’s the lack of morality. No family unit. No Religion. And a media that represents villains as the new super hero. And unfortunately it’s not new and it has had an impact.

  21. BFH, I agree you about some of the Russian ghettos, we have a lot of Russian refugees in our area which are mostly noted for a lot of illegal stolen car chop shops. We also have a lot of Eastern European refugees from the Balkans in Eastern Wash. state. But having said that one of Russian young women I work with is probably the best floral designer we have where I work, she does incredible work and does most of our floral arrangements. But one of the funniest things I ever saw was about 10 years ago at the S. end of Coeur d Alene Lake in N. Idaho where a large group of young Russians were at the beach at a small state park and when they got ready to leave about 12-15 of them piled into a rather nice larger BMW Sedan including in the trunk when they left. I laughed at that and was hoping a cop would stop them on the way home just because.

  22. I agree with Fur. Where I grew up there were not a lot of minorities in the neighborhood but it was low income. Dad was in medical school but he was paying for it too. So we were in project-like apartments. Looked a lot like the Monopoly buildings – two story rectangles.

    Kansas City Mo. `58-`61

    We had to look out for thieves, and gangs. It was not safe to be out alone after dark. There were dangerous people out in the streets. They were all white.

    I repeat – they were ALL white.

    Fast forward to the 80s and having a budding family myself – I start hearing how the gangs in S. Dallas were a problem because they were hispanic or black.

    I stood there and looked at the TV and said AW hell no! race has nothing to do with kids choosing that life! The thugs were all white where I cane from. I haven’t seen anything since to change my take on it, but what to do about a narrative that won’t die? How to turn that boat around? Where’s the light switch to chase the shadows away?

  23. “It’s all well and good to help those in need”

    We have to be clear about what we are calling help. Is it really help just throwing money, ebt – whatever benes – at them?

    I say it’s not.

    I think an apt analogy can be found in landscaping. When you first transplant a sapling you have to stake it until the roots take. Notice you don’t have to stake a tree that comes up on it’s own. A salient point but not the only one I am making here.

    If you don’t remove the wires at some point, the tree never sways like it would naturally. You’ll have a weak tree! When a tree sways it breaks/cracks small areas in the trunk – exactly like muscles get a little torn when body building or exercising in general. It’s the repair of these tears that make the tree/muscle be stronger. That is the growth that makes them strong.

    Always helping something actually keeps it from growing like it should.

    “Tough love” is another example of this dynamic. So is the Kollege of Hard Knocks.

    It is a universal truth.

    Real help would be teaching them how to be strong and offering that guidance – but removing the guy wires of financial support as you go along so they face the consequences of bad, self-defeating choices.

    Feed the children. Help the homeless. But for God’s sake, kick the able bodied in the ass all the way to self-reliance.

  24. There are some very nice and polite poor people around where I live, more than bad ones.
    We have a nice enough walmart, but they started hiring people who don’t know shit about anything and they do not require them to learn shit. Affirmative Action. These people are Dumb asses! The place it shows the most for me is in the photo department. There used to be a requirement that the employees in photo should know something about camera equipment and picture printing. Not anymore.
    Same thing in electronics, but there is a disabled guy who works there and really knows his shit. He puts all the affirmative action employees to shame.

  25. “Sounds like class is largely tied to wealth.”

    So hypothetically, if we just give low class people our money for nothing, they’ll improve…the more they get, the faster they improve.


  26. Once again this isn’t rocket science. Walmart has stores in all types of neighborhoods. In black areas
    they will hire predominantly black employees…..and
    black people usually make shitty employees. They are
    lazy, destructive, defiant and ignorant. They won’t do
    the job properly. Combine that with a mostly black base
    of customers and the store is doomed to third world status by customers who steal and vandalize and by the
    workers who won’t do even the most basic jobs such as
    trying to keep a store clean. I’m frankly amazed that
    Walmart even attempts to place stores in some places due
    to the certainty of the problems such stores will face.

  27. Bad Brad, the society created by the government has led to the lack of morals and family units. When you create a society that has no pride or respect, all the rest follows.

    Dad of 4, to help those in need, should be a helping hand not fully supporting them. If I could be king for the day welfare would be temporary as well as food stamps and disability for those who really aren’t disabled. I know a lot of people under the age of 50 who are receiving disability who have never paid into social security. They learned they could get more per month than they could by getting a welfare check and they still get food stamps, housing and even more perks from non-profits because they’re ‘disabled.’

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