Stump For Trump – IOTW Report

Stump For Trump

You gotta love these two ladies (bad language and all), and this should scare the bejesus out of everybody, left and right.

Here’s a preview –

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Click for preview^

(Full video HERE)

ht/ Lady in Red

12 Comments on Stump For Trump

  1. Now, THIS ladies and gentleman, is TONE! Outstanding. The point about Trump taking measurements was hilarious!
    These two women go straight to the top of the list for Cabinet Contenders.
    The icing on the cake would be Trump sticking his head in the video at the end. Maybe next time!

  2. I saw a piece on Breitbart from a black author saying that Trump was going to get the black vote.

    His rationale was that Trump is an old-school player, he loves living the life, he rolls with beautiful wimmins, eats in the finest places, drives the finest rides, jets in private jets, he doesn’t take shit from anybody…in other words, he lives life on his own terms.

    Sound like the Hip-Hop ideal to anyone here?

    If his message to the black community id that the democrats have kept them down, and I wanna make you rich like me, you have to admit that he might have a point.

    PS: This video was a riot. Could American blacks possibly be coming back to reality? God, I hope so!

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