Stump Ted Cruz: An Exciting New Game on the Campaign Trail! – IOTW Report

Stump Ted Cruz: An Exciting New Game on the Campaign Trail!

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WFB– The highlight of my weekend, news-wise, had to be the release of video of actress Ellen Page ambushing Ted Cruz on the campaign trail with “tough” questions about horrible no-good very-bad absolutely terrible discrimination against gays—you know, allowing religious bakers to say “no” to catering a religious ceremony they disapprove of.

The video is pretty entertaining; you can watch it here if you haven’t seen it. Warning: You may feel a bit bad for Page by the end. Politico‘s transcript pretty handily captures Cruz’s debate jiu-jitsu:

“Why does the Obama administration not stand against this?” Cruz said.

“I don’t know, I’d love to talk to Obama about it,” Page replied

“Then we’re agreed!” Cruz shot back,

“No, no we’re not, don’t do that,” the actress said.

“We’re agreed! Ma’am, we’ve had a long discussion,” Cruz said.

“Yeah, I appreciate it, yeah,” she said sarcastically, and walked away.

Having interviewed my fair share of actors, I’m not prone to arguing, as some of my friends on the right are, that performers should sit down and shut up because who cares about what they have to say about politics. People have opinions, and people with platforms that give them heightened visibility are perfectly free to use that visibility to get their opinions heard. Hooray, America!

That being said, it’s always vaguely amusing when someone with Big Important Thoughts tries to argue with someone who is out of their intellectual weight class. MORE

2 Comments on Stump Ted Cruz: An Exciting New Game on the Campaign Trail!

  1. Why do “entertainers” think they can wander onto someone else’s stage, try and put themselves into the spotlight, then grumble when they are intellectually shown the door?

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