Stupid Meme – IOTW Report

Stupid Meme

15 Comments on Stupid Meme

  1. I am usually armed, and when I am out and wearing my beautiful MAGA hat, I lower my eyes for no man.
    Just because the Communists are triggered by a hat, does not make it a bad hat.
    I do not seek out trouble, but a bunch of pantywaist Antifa snowballs can bring my ale in Valhalla just as well as any other miscreant

  2. If you want to trigger them right into a heart attack or stroke, add a little something to the red hat. Like a cross necklace, a fish on the back of your car, a bible in one hand, a pocket constitution in the other, and a .45 open carried on your hip.

  3. Missed a key word,
    Hatred TOWARD the red hats.

    I have yet to see someone with a MAGA hat be hateful. Unless they are justifiably swinging at a snowflake like anyone would swat at a nuisance fly.

    I do however see a lot of hatred TOWARD those wearing a red MAGA hat.

  4. Conservatives must go on the offensive and start wearing these hats EVERYWHERE and get everyone else to wear them. Also, video negative responses. Let’s get an archive going on IOTW. What say. Time to DOUBLE DOWN – – Hell, make that TRIPLE DOWN!


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