Stupid Porn Lawyer Still Peddling Complete Loon Around Town As a Kavanaugh Victim – McConnell Crushes His Hopes and Dreams – IOTW Report

Stupid Porn Lawyer Still Peddling Complete Loon Around Town As a Kavanaugh Victim – McConnell Crushes His Hopes and Dreams

Gateway Pundit-

Brutal! Majority Leader Mitch McConnell Releases Shocking Statement on Kavanaugh Accuser and Liar Julie Swetnick.

Among the lowlights-

-“Swetnick was on the other side of a civil case in 1994, as a plaintiff, when she filed a personal injury lawsuit in Maryland against the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority. She claimed she lost more than $420,000 in earnings after she hurt her nose in a fall on a train in 1992. Swetnick, who described herself in court records as a model and actor, claimed she had “numerous modeling commitments” with several companies at the time of the accident but missed out them because of her injuries.” (“3rd Kavanaugh Accuser Has History Of Legal Disputes,” The Associated Press, 9/30/2018)

  • “To support her claim for lost wages, Swetnick named ‘Konam Studios’ as one of the companies promising to employ her. A court filing identified Nam Ko, a representative of ‘Kunam Studios,’ as a possible plaintiff’s witness for her case.  Ko, however, told AP on Friday that he was just a friend of Swetnick’s and that he had never owned a company with a name spelled either way and had never agreed to pay her money for any work before she injured her nose. He said he first met Swetnick at a bar more than a year after her alleged accident. (“3rd Kavanaugh Accuser Has History Of Legal Disputes,” The Associated Press, 9/30/2018)

-Swetnick was sued for defamation in 2000 by Webtrends Corporation in Oregon and a woman named Margie Huetter who appears to have been their HR Director. (Webtrends Corporation vs. Julie Swetnick, Oregon Judicial Department, Case Number 001112165, 11/27/2000)

  • “The suit also alleges Swetnick ‘engaged in unwelcome, sexually offensive conduct’ while at Webtrends and ‘made false and retaliatory allegations that other co-workers had engaged in inappropriate conduct toward her.’  The suit alleges Swetnick ‘engaged in unwelcome sexual innuendo and inappropriate conduct’ directed at two male employees during a business lunch, with Webtrends customers present. Swetnick claimed two other employees had sexually harassed her, according to the suit.  Webtrends’ suit said it determined Swetnick had engaged in misconduct but could not find evidence to support her allegations against her colleagues. Later, the company alleged, Swetnick took medical leave and simultaneously claimed unemployment benefits in the District of Columbia.”  (“Julie Swetnick, A Brett Kavanaugh Accuser, Faced Misconduct Allegations At Portland Company,” The Oregonian, 9/29/2018)
  • “Company officials later determined, the suit said, that Swetnick had provided false information on her employment application. The suit alleged that she had misrepresented the length of time she worked at a previous employer and falsely claimed that she’d earned an undergraduate degree in biology and chemistry from Johns Hopkins University.” (“3rd Kavanaugh Accuser Has History Of Legal Disputes,” The Associated Press, 9/30/2018)

There is much more HERE

This is who #MeToo says we “have to believe” when she accuses a man, who’s led an exemplary life of scholarship and accomplishment, of leading a gang rape ring when he was in high school.


17 Comments on Stupid Porn Lawyer Still Peddling Complete Loon Around Town As a Kavanaugh Victim – McConnell Crushes His Hopes and Dreams

  1. This Avenatti douchebag thinks of himself as a smart guy. He is a moron.
    He expects people to believe that this college girl attended 10 high school parties between 2 summers where she witnessed “gang rapes” and “trains” where boys waited their turn for a drugged girl in a bedroom.

    If there is a party once a week in the summer when school is out, that is a total of about 10-12 parties.
    This would mean she was at about half the parties, yet, no one remembers her.

    you have to believe that
    -high school kids served “punch” at the parties. They “spiked” it, and only the girl in the bedroom suffered the effects. There should have been passed out people everywhere.
    -there was, conveniently, an empty house, free of parents, every week. That’s quite a feat. (Or were the parents in on the gang rapes, too?) This idiot, when concocting her story from movies she’s seen, forgot that these are kids living at home with their parents. There are no rape rooms at high school house parties, let alone EVERY WEEK!
    -at least 10 girls were gang-raped and not one of them ever went to the police. Not one of them had a friend with them that ever stopped the rapes and called the police. Not one guy, from a Jesuit school, mind you, stopped what was going on. It was simply Caligula activity with a bevy of underage girls. Multiple rapes and nary a peep of a security breach.

    This asshole sat and took this deposition and thought, “this is good. I have a ‘credible’ witness!!!”
    Too bad his client didn’t have a credible lawyer.

    She’d be thrown out of most offices. But Avenatti? He thinks she’s solid as a rock.

  2. @Hoosierguy29 October 1, 2018 at 10:24 am

    > No mistake, people…We are at war.

    A war we all fight from the couch. Sans shoes. I love the smell of bare feet in the morning. Smells like… victory.

    Someday this war’s gonna end…


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