Subhuman Trafficking – IOTW Report

Subhuman Trafficking


One Russian man was arrested at a Bali airport for attempting to smuggle a drugged baby orangutan in his luggage out of the air hub and back to his home country. The tourist now faces up to $7,000 in fines and five years in prison.

On Friday night, Andrei Zhestkov was detained at Ngurah Rai International Airport before boarding a flight back to Russia, The Independent reports. Officials found the 2-year-old orangutan fast asleep in a basket, evidently drugged with allergy pills, after a routine security screening.


Do coyotes who smuggle Mexicans into America get that much of a sentence?

5 Comments on Subhuman Trafficking

  1. The big difference with the human smuggling here is those brought in here will have a better life in most cases not so with endangered animals.
    The dregs of humanity continue to rape the earth.

  2. The tourist now faces up to $7,000 in fines and five years in prison.

    Up the fine to $50,000 with no time served. It will cost the government to house the guy and he still would not learn a lesson from it. Hit him with the money part and he’ll learn from that. I’ve been following some of the reality youtubes on Customs. The shit people try to smuggle is unbelievable and sickening. Barbecued bats? Human skull? Maggots? WTF! Even the Custom’s agents begin to gag over some of it.


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