Substitute Teacher Does a Commando Cartwheel in a Dress – IOTW Report

Substitute Teacher Does a Commando Cartwheel in a Dress

Substitute teacher does a commando cartwheel in front of 14 year-olds, on purpose.



A substitute teacher was arrested yesterday for indecent exposure after she performed a cartwheel in a high school choir class “with no under garments on,” police allege.

According to cops, Lacey Sponsler, 34, exposed herself to students last Friday at Pawhuska High School in Pawhuska, a city about 50 miles north of Tulsa.

Sponsler, was wearing a long dress, but no underwear, “which caused her to expose herself to the students in this class,” cops allege. “This act was captured by a student on their cell phone,” said Police Chief Scott Laird.

As detailed in a probable cause affidavit, as Sponsler (seen above) performed the cartwheel in the “Junior High Choir room,” her dress was “flipped up,” exposing her buttocks. An officer who reviewed the video of the incident added, “I further noticed that the Defendant was not wearing any type of underwear.”

A 17-year-old female student told police that Sponsler “had said that she was not wearing underwear before performing the cartwheel,” which exposed her “bare vagina.” The student noted that she saw Sponsler’s “vagina open and close, as her legs were in the air.” The girl also told police that Sponsler “had been talking about using drugs” and commented on how she “thought fourteen year old boys were like men.”

When questioned by police, Sponsler initially denied performing the cartwheel in class. When told that a student captured the cartwheel in a Snapchat video, Sponsler replied that she “did not remember performing a cartwheel or exposing her vagina and buttocks.”

Sponsler told police that she was “just dancing with the students” and “trying to be a cool teacher.”

ht/ rob e.

39 Comments on Substitute Teacher Does a Commando Cartwheel in a Dress

  1. Until the law, and society, gets their shit together and gives these teachers serious jail time for all this banging 13 yr olds, getting them drunk, and whatever “cool old chick,” horse shit that they are doing these days, this will continue down the road of depravity.
    Before you guys say you wish you had a hot teacher who banged you-I get it.
    The problem is, the guys aren’t 17-18, which still isn’t great, but usually 13-14. Despite guys saying they’d love it at any age past puberty, 9/10 of the dudes are mentally screwed up after these “fantasy romps.”
    School unions need to be dissolved, teachers fired after first infraction & if it’s bad enough, put in jail for some real time, and if new teachers are hired, they’d better be dudes that either are Marines or MMA hopefuls.
    If it seems like I’m overreacting to this, go hang out at your local HS for the day.

  2. She saw Sponsler’s “vagina open and close, as her legs were in the air.”
    @Peter Burns:
    you either have an imagination or you don’t, now, do i need to draw a picture for?

    ok, here you go


  3. Zero toler NAILED it. Put these sick teachers
    in jail for a long time and publish them in the
    newspaper and on the web.That sick Fuc$ that feed
    his child students his jiz-wiz on cookies should
    have been put to death! That bitch looks like a
    SIGH-CO from Hell !!!!

  4. Another deviant story in the age of hedonism. No way to unsee that. BTW, I blame Commmon Core education for the inaccurate description of female genitalia. The vagina is internal and not visible outside the body, just the opening. The most visible parts have their own risque names -vulva and clitoris.
    Yeah, I know, TMI. Anatomy class is over. Till next time, kids.

  5. The student noted that she saw Sponsler’s “vagina open and close, as her legs were in the air.”

    Sudden gust of wind at the moment it opened? A mini tornado? A violent sucking sound?

    Whew! Stand back!

  6. She was probably higher than a kite which, by itself, should get her some time. Even if she had underwear on. I don’t see what doing cartwheels in front of a choir has to do with music or anything else in public education.

  7. That wasn’t the right thing to do. Shows she isn’t of very Sharp intellect. Maybe she should give teaching a Rest for a while and think about what she did. Otherwise, I see a lot of Treble in her future.

  8. Just to be clear – our stupid puns in no way are minimizing the decadence that is infusing our society. No disrespect intended to anyone who has made a serious comment about these dreadful stories, we are with you.

  9. Anatomy lesson. The ‘vagina’ is INSIDE the body. It does not protrude and cannot be seen unless you get really close and make an opening. (Think GYN exam,)

    And as to not seeing any underwear! Huh! Have you seen the dental floss called underwear, these days? It specializes in not being seen.

    Now, as to the idiot teacher! What the hell made her think this was a good idea? Oh shit—- she must be a liberal, so anything she does, says, or thinks is okay.

    Sure illustrates very clearly why students are struggling and teachers want to drop things like cursive writing, real math, grammar, punctuation, and etc. teachers just don’t have time!

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