Suckerberg Wants To Resurrect Legacy Media Because It’s Professional – CBS Reports Barbara Bush Died – IOTW Report

Suckerberg Wants To Resurrect Legacy Media Because It’s Professional – CBS Reports Barbara Bush Died


6 Comments on Suckerberg Wants To Resurrect Legacy Media Because It’s Professional – CBS Reports Barbara Bush Died

  1. Things must be worse for the legacy media than we are being told. I mentioned Saturday that the local rag had dropped freebie editions of charcoal fire-starter in my driveway. Then yesterday, I find a freebie edition of the NYT in my driveway. I thank all of the loyal subscribers to the AJC and the NYT who help me keep the grill hot, but they might want to write to the editors and complain about paying for my complimentary editions. Using aged, leaky vessels to stave off disaster only worked at Dunkirk.


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