Sudan Officials to Help Evacuate Stranded Americans From War Zone Following Failed Coup Attempt – IOTW Report

Sudan Officials to Help Evacuate Stranded Americans From War Zone Following Failed Coup Attempt


The Biden administration abandoned thousands of Americans and Green Card holders in Afghanistan in August 2021, less than two years ago, following their surrender to the Taliban.

Joe Biden and the Woke Generals abandoned THOUSANDS of Americans in Afghanistan and as many as 14,000 during their quick escape from the terrorist-controlled country.

And then they left the Taliban with $80 billion in US military equipment.

Figures released by the State Department in November revealed as many as 14,000 Americans were left behind to fend for themselves when Biden and the woke generals quickly fled the country due to their artificially set timeline. MORE

13 Comments on Sudan Officials to Help Evacuate Stranded Americans From War Zone Following Failed Coup Attempt

  1. as with benghazi, state dept. assholes are now debating what uniforms us-participants may wear to the rescue attempts – want to avoid “bad optics” – can’t piss off the mud-slimes

  2. Wes Bentley from Far Reaching Ministries spoke at our church this morning.
    They are in Sudan and many other areas around the world rescuing people.
    They remained helping rescue people in Afghanistan long after the Obiden admin left.
    There is more evil going on in Sudan and other areas than we know.
    The current govt hacks don’t care about people’s lives. Only their own bank accounts and fetishes.

  3. Joe Biden’s gift to the Taliban with 75,000 vehicles, 600,000 weapons, 208 airplanes/helicopters, and millions of rounds of ammo.
    Along with all the weapons given to Ukraine, we should be out of any sort of strategic surplus.
    So it will be up to the citizens to protect the country.
    That’s why they need to disarm Americans ASAP, they don’t want their commie friends thwarted.

  4. how many of us have husbands and fathers that could not have supported this administration and stood up to their insane directives and therefore we are actually that they are not here to grieve the loss of their once great nation. I thank God that they are gone. I teach Algebra at a Christian school. That keeps me going. That and IOTW and CTH.

  5. My daughter is stationed overseeas. Fortunately her stint is done this summer. I can only hope and pray this f’d up scenario doesn’t occur where she’s at, which i’d rather not mention.

    All those in control of this shitshow need to burn in hell, ASAP.

  6. This has the appearance of being another US vs Russia confrontation. US State Department is not too happy that Sudan has agreed to allow Russia to build a Naval Base there.


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