Female MMA Fighter Knocks “Female” Fighter’s D*ck in the Dirt – IOTW Report

Female MMA Fighter Knocks “Female” Fighter’s D*ck in the Dirt

29 Comments on Female MMA Fighter Knocks “Female” Fighter’s D*ck in the Dirt

  1. Poor guy. He couldn’t fight against men as a man, now he can’t fight against women as a fauxman. What’s left – do they have a kids division? Get some help, dude.

  2. Take that Donald J. Trump! Hold a party for the loser and fawn all over him and tell him you’re going to work harder for him. “We are fighting for the gay community, and we are fighting and fighting hard,” the former president and 2024 candidate said. “With the help of many of the people here tonight in recent years, our movement has taken incredible strides, the strides you’ve made here is incredible.”


    Yes, join women’s sports, w2e’ll give you that right.

    I won’t let Trumpers forget what Trump has done here. Blasphemy and it’s an abomination. I’m the vaccine he doesn’t like.

  3. Why in the hell is Dana even allowing this shit to happen? I’d give Asley a stun gun and a billy club for this beatdown too. The MMA is coming to Jacksonville, I need to see the fight card before I spend money on tickets

  4. Hey Faux!
    You punch like a little girlie!
    (nothing against real women)

  5. I loved how the crowd was into it.

    I would guess that the woman watched the guy’s videos and studied his vulnerabilities and how to exploit them — which she did with satisfying results.

    Now the question is how long will it be before there are protests and legal cases because of how these brutal women are victimizing these poor trans people.

  6. Two really shitty fighters. Still enjoyable to watch the pussy get his ass kicked. In the long run the worst possible thing to happen. They will use this fight to legitimize sub standard males beating the shit out of women.

  7. Agreed, Dana White should NEVER allow Male fighters who “think” they are females in the ring to fight a woman. Never.

    I will boycott any franchise in ANY Sport that allows Males in the locker room and/or competing against Women.
    I refuse to legitimize the mentally challenged males competing against women.
    If these sexual fantasy males, wanna compete, compete against other males. Period !

  8. Now the question is how long will it be before there are protests and legal cases because of how these brutal women are victimizing these poor trans people.

    The question would be “why did you get in the ring with a woman that could whip your ass?”

  9. “…“Sweep the legs… hit her in the dick!”…”

    HE (the wannabe her) is NOT a her. Sane, rational people need to stop humoring them by referring to them by their wannabe pronoun. STOP IT! Quit playing their sick game.

  10. The woman fighter did a decent job but, sorry, it just looked like the tranny just gave up. The tranny could have continued and won, except for the psychotic episode he seemed to have at the end of the fight – convinced he actually was a girl and the weaker sex. Also, the perv was probably enjoying the beat down.


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