Suddenly San Francisco Loves Despoiling The Environment – IOTW Report

Suddenly San Francisco Loves Despoiling The Environment

Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke gave officials in San Francisco a near heart attack recently when he met with environmentalists dedicated to restoring the Hetch Hetchy valley. The valley, which lies within Yosemite National Park, was dammed nearly a hundred years ago and the reservoir created represents 90 percent of San Francisco’s water supply.  So while removing the dam would restore federal property to its original state of nature, it would require San Francisco to find another source for water. More

12 Comments on Suddenly San Francisco Loves Despoiling The Environment

  1. It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone (except a liberal) what hypocrites liberals are when it comes to going without for the ‘good’ of the ‘public’, or anything else for that matter.

  2. Libtards on parade. All they need is a report that some fish would do better if the damn dam was gone and presto- the C.A. court will issue the ruling and that dam will be down by Christmas.

    Water in San Fran will shoot to $150 a pint but Zuckerman and the Google people will still have their swimming pools.

    The best part would be the look on all their faces when they see what a valley looks like after being underwater for almost 100 years. On the up side the feral popers will have to find another place to go. Even a strung out junkie needs a glass of water now and again- the needles may be free and the dope a dime a bag but no water means no-stay-here.

  3. Since the open borders morons think that increasing water demands can all be met by just conserving water, tearing down O’Shaughnessy and restoring HH natural beauty, at the cost of just losing some water supply, should be a no-brainer. Just keep conserving water — the arguments SJWs use when pointed out to them that the invading hordes increase water demands. Wouldn’t need all that water if 15% of mexico had not resettled in California. Good opportunity to learn more about dam removal and env restoration, the bio-science crowd should be sporting wood over the idea.

  4. I went to that dam once. I went on the dam tour. The dam tour guide told us not to take any dam pictures and to stay on the dam walkway. The dam guide was very friendly with the dam tourists and answered all their dam questions.

  5. I would love to see Frisco decay into a plague ridden dystopia, spreading fog catchers on rooftops to gather a pint of potable water.
    Hoping to catch enough moisture to keep their arugula alive.


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