Sued If They Do Sued If They Don’t – IOTW Report

Sued If They Do Sued If They Don’t

The Folsom Cordova School District sent out a message to it’s 20,000 members that today is “Bring Your Bible to School Day.”


Of course the message met with the usual chorus of separation of Church and State. On the other hand, “District leaders sent out the flier on Wednesday after their attorneys told them that not promoting the event could potentially be seen as discriminatory against Christians.”


9 Comments on Sued If They Do Sued If They Don’t

  1. as a christian, i am ashamed to admit that my atheist coworker has read the bible much more extensively than i have

    i have never understood why we cannot allow the bible to be studied as the fascinating book that it is, and quotes from the bible are appropriately used in a secular fashion

    i think the same thing about the koran, that it would be a good book for all to understand

    i took a course in college called the bible as literature, and it allowed for an open dialog, without promoting any one side

    i also find it fascinating that a jew in the article finds this offensive, despite our share belief in the old testament

    this pc shit has made a mess out of any open dialog on any subject, and we shut down a healthy educational opportunity

  2. Where were these whiny, protesting a§$h*le parents when pisslam was being shoved down the throats of their precious kiddies during Kommonist Kore indoctrination?!? During #BlackLIESMatter hustling?!? During Be-A-Homo-For-A-Day mandatory “participation”?!?

  3. The Quran?!?
    SHIRLEY, you jest.
    You must be infected with the “faaairness” bug.

    You might as well suggest they read “Mein Kampf” to sympathize/understand the Germans’ thoughts pre-WWII.

    Save that for college kids.

  4. My high school taught an elective course called “The Bible as Literature.”

    Of course, that was 40+ years ago. The only Muslim in the school was the exchange student from Egypt.

  5. Even ignoring the religion aspect (difficult to do, but it can be done), the Bible teaches excellent lessons in morality, history, government, what works, what fails, you get the idea.

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