Suez Clear of Evergreen – IOTW Report

Suez Clear of Evergreen

13 Comments on Suez Clear of Evergreen

  1. “Most likely planning it with money we’ve given them.”

    “We” is a horse-turd. Obola and his happy band of Traitors gave em the dough.

    Leave America out of it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Cisco Kid: The canal was shut down between 1967 (The Six Day War) and 1975 by Egypt deliberately sinking numerous ships within the canal traffic lanes. Fifteen cargo ships and their crews were trapped within the canal zone for that entire period!

  3. Awww shucks.
    The media were just getting wound up and the panic porn was just starting. Now no shortages.
    Of course non liberals would look at this and realize how easy it would be for foreign countries and terrorists to block the canal and upset oil shipments. Then they would think, gee we ought to produce our own oil and be energy independent.

    Oh ya. Pres. Trump did just that.
    Obiden chose to get dependent again.

  4. An entirely new Suez canal would only need to be 75 miles long if you took a direct shortcut through the barren sand. Slightly longer if you wanted to include the existing Bitter lake. If this canal is worth so much money this would easily be done

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