Suicide for ‘social justice’ – IOTW Report

Suicide for ‘social justice’

Pacific Pundit: Progressive liberals now threatening suicide for ‘social justice’.

Progressive liberals will do just about anything to get attention. Just take a look at this nut job who threw himself on the tracks of a subway train in New York threatening to kill himself all in the name of social justice. Liberalism is a mental disorder example number 990999999.  MORE

36 Comments on Suicide for ‘social justice’

  1. Kill to birds with one stone. In addition to raising awareness for your pet grievance, you get to reduce your carbon footprint to zero. Go ahead SJW, we’re looking for you to fully commit.

  2. If I was there I’d have kept him from getting back up onto the platform. I’d force him to either make his point 100% or admit he was nothing but a snowflake jackass.

    Then we’ll see who’s the true warrior or the big pussy afraid to martyr himself.

    Guys like him will be target practice for the rest of us eventually. So no big whoop.

  3. Bongopoofter opined: “Monks do it, why not punks?”

    I think you’re referring to the Buddhist monk who doused himself with gasoline in Vietnam in the late 60s and set himself aflame in the name of peace. The photos in LIFE magazine remain in my memory. He burned, and died, without much of a whimper, as it was told in the press of the day.

    Imagine for a moment some snowflake doing that today. As soon as the match hits the ethyl, the screaming would be intolerable. Oh God, the humanity! Oh God, the PAIN. Snowflakes don’t reckon on the PAIN. So between stop, drop and roll, and a smattering of other snowflakes nearby armed with fire extinguishers, burning snowflake makes it through its attempt at suicide for social justice.

    A GoFundMe page immediately arises. CNN covers its recovery for weeks, with all the sad tales of why Trump and the Republicans made it to do what it did.

    Then the lawsuits, against the gasoline refinery, the match manufacturer, and the fire extinguisher companies, because the extinguishers took far too long to be effective.

    America needs to change NOW. Let the fuckers burn.

  4. There is no such thing as a “Social Justice Warrior”. It is a feel-good, sound-good term created by the Left, masquerading for deranged, often violent, behavior of social misfits who have no moral anchor or compass. If tomorrow — for any reason or no reason at all — it was vogue to show solidarity with bald headed people, there would be an outbreak of people shaving their heads. It would be on FB, Twitter, everywhere, just like that ice water bucket over the head challenge or when people fell for the phony Kony thingy. How many times are these nitwits asked in man-on-the-street interviews about things and they agree with something just because they are told Sanders, Killery or obama said it and can’t believe they are wrong when they learn it was someone on the Right? Or how many times do they just stare blankly at the camera when asked to defend why they think one thing or another? But give them a skein of pink yarn and some knitting needles and boys will wear a stupid cap called a “pussy hat”. What self-respecting male would wear that?! No one on the Right that I know.

    And if we were to do any real digging into the matter, we’d undoubtedly find that even when these goofballs agree with their progtarded professors, they STILL don’t get high marks in college.

  5. @AbigailAdams – More fundamentally, there is no such thing as social justice. Justice, or ensuring that we properly assume the responsibility for the effects of our actions, is a concept applicable to individual persons. Accepting the adjective social as a valid modifier means accepting a collectivist premise in all further discussions. I refuse to do that, and encourage everybody else to do that as well.

  6. Uncle Al/AA

    Your wrapped up in the minutia. How about conservatives mortal enemies? I don’t care what label you want to put on them. Eventually it will be shoot, no shoot. We have some tough times coming.

  7. Uncle Al

    As you know, I never have a beef with anything you or AA post. But personally I see the enabled Libtards Obama created not going out with out a big last gasp. And maybe that’s because I live in California. But don’t kid your self. There’s a battle coming.

  8. Politely disagree AA. The disrupters of social stability view themselves as warriors. You’ve seen it as much as anyone. The Antifas of Seattle and Portland are at war with us, and they feel justified in their actions. Social Justice Warriors is a fine name for them, anyone that identifies as a Social Justice Warrior is an enemy of a just society and needs to be dealt with accordingly. I believe that time is coming.

  9. Brad, I really hope the push back from our side takes place while I/we are still alive. And I genuinely hope it’s a war of ideas instead or arms. I would like to think our kids and grand kids will have the same opportunities we have had. But if we have to fight it out I guess I’m ready. My kids and grand kids are less ready.

  10. It is social upheaval and generally it has been successful through violence and propaganda by the democrats and media.
    Consider protests against Vietnam War, the Draft, civil rights, etc. Heck ask obama’s buddy, Bill” Ayers from the Weather Underground about bombing and killing cops, BLM violence and rioting and the anarchists/Communists/socialists.

    They won and are winning incrementally, look back 68 years, now to where we are now. Government, finances, laws, judiciary, education, employment/hiring preferences, PETA, endangered species,confiscation of private land, coercive government, Peace Officers are now swat teams, diversity is good, individualism is bad, etc., etc.

  11. joe6pak

    I’m not as good as I once was. But I’m still better than most. A blessing I guess. But I’m not sure for how much longer. So I’m anxious to get it on. Otherwise I’ll just be throwing mashed potatoes and creamed corn at them. But I’ll make every toss count.

  12. And I was never a trained warrior, but when it comes to defending my life, my family, my way of life, and my freedom I’ll give it all I have! Short of having RPG’s and armored personnel carriers, I’m fairly well armed.

  13. social justice is defined as not willing to be held accountable for your choices.

    not much different than any other criminal except they use organizing and government to commit their crimes against their fellow citizen.

  14. Dang. I moved on from this thread and didn’t see BB, Joe6pack, Uncle Al’s comments.

    No argument from me that “SJW” often ends in violence and does cause real social upheaval. My point, however, is that labels do make a big difference. Take, for example, “Islamaphobia” to label people who are justifiably against importing islamic terrorism to the U.S. They were dismissed with one word by the Left — and the same with “racist”, “xenophobic”, “misogynist” and so on.

    But the Left does the same thing by giving heroic-sounding labels to themselves: “anitfa”, “social justice warrior”, etc. And we all know that antifa is in fact a fascist organization and swj is a false label for anarchy, lawlessness. That the courts, the media and elected gov’t officials support these things does not alter that fact.

    But there are, in my opinion, a lot more people who are caught up in the carnival atmosphere or the mob mentality of the “Social Justice Movement” who have no clue how they are being used or even what any of it really means. Those are the people who are going to get hurt the most because they will mindlessly do the bidding of those who do know what they are doing — and know how to avoid putting themselves into harm’s way or getting arrested.

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