Sulu’s Phaser Will Be Set On Stunning In New Star Trek Movie – IOTW Report

Sulu’s Phaser Will Be Set On Stunning In New Star Trek Movie

To George Takei’s credit, he’s against the idea. He’s not against a gay character, just not Sulu?


Because Sulu is a Gene Roddenberry character, and Roddenberry didn’t write Sulu as a gay guy. He says the writers should be respectful of the original artist’s work and should create a new character if they want to introduce this angle.

George Takei Gay Sulu

Pretty commendable and sound reasoning. On the other hand, the gay nazis continue to confront and offend. Why is it necessary to tinker with characters that have been around for generations and insist on rewriting them to be gay?

I have an idea.  Hey morons, how about making Mr. Hyde gay?

How about taking despicable fictional characters and making them gay? What’s the matter?

ht/ illustr8r


31 Comments on Sulu’s Phaser Will Be Set On Stunning In New Star Trek Movie

  1. The Federation may have had an integrated fleet, but it didnt have any faggots in it. Even the new crewman that always got killed wasnt kweer. Pussies maybe, but not qweeah.

  2. @LBS (2nd comment): You’d think that they would have non-propagated their kind out of existence a long, long time ago, but apparently God keeps making more of them. Maybe He is more tolerant than we are.

    Food for thought, anyway.


  3. @Anonymous: I’m not sure what all that that has to do with the subject at hand, but I’m pretty sure we can’t blame it on the Gays, at least not as a group, anyway.

    They can’t even propagate themselves, remember?


  4. The guy playing Spock is a flaming homo. Maybe they can hook up.
    This new franchise really sucks in more ways than one. All action adventure without any of the character of the original.

  5. Homosexuality went from being “the love that dare not speak it’s name” to “the love that wouldn’t SHUT THE @#$% UP”.
    Believe it or not, we were big fans of Ellen Degeneres back in the late 1980s. She had emerged on the scene as a very funny comedian with a routine that had it’s roots in Bob Newhart. We all knew she was gay, and that Paula Poundstone was gay, etc etc etc. But, it had no bearing on her making us laugh whenever she was on TV.
    And then…. she came out.
    Had she just publicly stated to an interviewer, “yes, I’m gay” that would have been that. We weren’t watching her for her sexuality. But she had other plans.
    Everyday it was, “Look at me, I’m GAY! Accept me! Worship me! March in my parade! I dress like a man but YOU WILL ACCEPT ME AS A MODEL SPOKESWOMAN FOR BEAUTY PRODUCTS!! Yaddy yadda yadda!”
    And so, we all got tired of her very fast.
    Soon, “marching in the parade” will be mandatory for all citizens of the state. It’s already verboten to merely say that you’re sick of hearing about the parade.

  6. I grew up on Star Trek. The main theme was, no one cared what you did in your off time as long as you maintained proper decorum while on duty. There was no racism, and when they encountered it they were shocked. George Takei is gay but didn’t portray Sulu as some prancing space faggot. The new Star Trek movies have been pretty damned good, but if they do this, I’m done with the franchise. Some things are sacred you leftist assholes.

  7. Reina del mundo – was trying to thumbs up your post but hit the wrong button and can’t unclick it. Or reply directly beneath it. Anyway, hilarious comment!

  8. IronyC, I could have written your post verbatim except that I didn’t know Ellen was gay back then.
    I have the worst gaydar, nonexistent, perhaps I’m even naive.

    I don’t hate gays, but I blast them more and more because of the in-your-face bullshit.
    Like someone wrote earlier, I am all gayed out.
    (And likewise all blacked out.)

    Oh, and why the men’s clothing Ellen?
    Would it kill you to wear a sun dress, you might even look cute.

  9. This is really too bad. I echo a number of the comments in that if Abrams wanted to (or more likely pushed into it by the biggest bullies on the block now, the gay community) he should have added a character. But no, when he quits the franchise he’ll be leaving it locked with a gay Sulu. Takei was right, the character was Roddenberry’s and should have been left as is.

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