Sulzberger’s NEW YORK PRAVDA Suppresses Truth About Best-Selling Books If It’s Not Approved By the Fascist – IOTW Report

Sulzberger’s NEW YORK PRAVDA Suppresses Truth About Best-Selling Books If It’s Not Approved By the Fascist


Jerome Corsi’s red-hot new book “Killing the Deep State: The Fight to Save President Trump” is a runaway bestseller — but you’d never know that from reading The New York Times.

Corsi told host Kirsten Haglund the Times is aware of how influential its list of top-selling books is. Better placement can lead to more sales, which generally garners more attention and opportunities for the author.

“It’s completely disgraceful and dishonest. But again, The New York Times is disgraceful and dishonest these days.”

“Killing the Deep State” debuted last week at No. 10 on the non-fiction hardcover list compiled by Nielsen BookScan, the book industry’s only nationally recognized sales tracking list.

And yet, the influential New York Times Book Review inexplicably has not listed “Deep State” on its hardcover bestseller list, despite the fact it outsold many of the books that did make its list.

For example, going by sales reported by Nielsen, “Killing the Deep State” should have landed at No. 4 on the Times’ April 1 list of its Top 15 print hardcover bestsellers, right after Tara Westover’s “Educated” (Random House).


But they aren’t “fake news.”

They should rename the paper-


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