Sunny Endorses a Presidential Candidate – IOTW Report

Sunny Endorses a Presidential Candidate

13 Comments on Sunny Endorses a Presidential Candidate

  1. Christies wife is laughing because she thinks she has finally sighted his penis….something he hasn’t seen in 20 years….To her consternation, it turned out to just be a mummified Twinkie…..

  2. The Mooch is always scowling. She’s an unhappy person and it shows in every way. As for the candidates wives, Mrs. Carson is frumpy and she looks like she buys her clothing from the Salvation Army. Even more frumpier is Sander’s wife, you can’t fix liberals no matter how much of a make over you do on them.

  3. Mr. Pinko displaying those classy New York values. Heidi Cruz looks like a nice All-American girl. Melania Trump, on the other hand, looks like she has been acquainted with more penises than a mohel.

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