Sununu Confronts CNN Bint With Her Political Agenda, Leaving Her With Stuttering and Indignant Denials – IOTW Report

Sununu Confronts CNN Bint With Her Political Agenda, Leaving Her With Stuttering and Indignant Denials

In the end Chris Cuomo has to issue a closing statement rebuttal that reminds viewers, in so many words, that what they just watched was a brilliant partisan man who can frame specious arguments.

33 Comments on Sununu Confronts CNN Bint With Her Political Agenda, Leaving Her With Stuttering and Indignant Denials

  1. CNN/Cuomo: An obnoxiom provided by a fopdoodle and deviousest

    Translation: Objectionable content not based on anything of substantive merit except for a subjective opinion driven by extreme political bias from someone of little significance, but more devious than anyone else.

  2. “They’re certainly getting better job coordinating their messaging on how to deal with the investigation…”

    No, Chris, they’re just stating plainly what is becoming obvious to most people. But you just keep f–king that chicken, Chris. It’ll pay your bills for a little while longer.

  3. Copied this from a commenter on another site. Pretty well sums up this and all leftards: The world´s largest collection of dumbed-down, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, Birkenstock-wearing, bottled-water-drinking, Politically Correct, kumbaya-singing, Xanax-disabled, Snowflake “Victims”, looking at the world thru their vaginas in lock-step with Stupid.

  4. And that is why CNN doesn’t often have opposing view/voices. They are always exposed for the partisan hacks they are and can’t defend the indefensible dogma they spout.

  5. CNN has finally defaulted to Orwell’s Two Minute Hate.
    Sununu is just a stand-in for the image of Enmanuel Goldstein. Cue the hissing and shouts of outrage from the Party faithful.
    I’m waiting for an hysterical Outer Party worker in overalls and a scarlet sash to throw her wrench at the Telescreen.

    I have always imagined Rachel Maddow in her Inner Party uniform.
    Eastasia has always been at war with Eurasia.
    This week’s sugar rations are being increased from 20 grams to 10 grams. Thank you, Big Brother.

  6. Famous eating crow story quote,”I kin eat a crow, but I be darned if I hanker after it.”
    Allison, who want fries with that? Ketchup or going Dutch with mayonnaise?

  7. When your opponent is reduced to repeating themselves and making not-so-subtle innuendoes instead of presenting their argument in a logical fashion, you’ve just won the debate.

  8. “(Investigation)…political motivated by folks trying to rationalize a horribly run democratic presidential campaign.” Haahaahaa! *mike drop* Sununu put the final nail in the coffin of that hillarious interview.

  9. I don’t watch CNN so I have no idea who the asshole at the end was who said “Wow– they’re certainly doing a better job coordinating messaging on how to deal with the investigation.” Made me furious.

  10. Kind of off topic but there is an effort out there to fight libs with their own fire. Put the pressure on madcow and other so called lib media.

  11. So how do you feel about that Russia thing?
    What Russia thing?
    You know, the RUSSIA thing.
    Tell me what Russia thing you are referring to, and I’ll comment.
    So you would have met with Putin.
    I don’t know – Putin wasn’t there.

    Racist. Islamphobe. Homophobe. Phobiaphobe.

    And thus goes another hard hitting, incisive interview from CNN.

  12. The media and their lapdog Democrat minions are the ones colluding with each other to constantly press a false narrative about Trump collusion with Russia, which by the way would not be illegal! How do I know, because I play an attorney on the internet just like the putrid media vermin play at being journalists on the networks!

  13. “Wow– they’re certainly doing a better job coordinating messaging on how to deal with the investigation.”

    That’s what they think because that’s what they do. They’re to stupid to know how stupid they are.

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