Super Tuesday Meltdown: The Young Turks are Always Good Comedy Relief – IOTW Report

Super Tuesday Meltdown: The Young Turks are Always Good Comedy Relief

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: Anyone who’s not seen The Young Turks 2016 election night meltdown video have missed a classic real-time decent into insanity.

Last night, Turks Cunk Yogurt again didn’t take the expected Bernie bulldozing though the primaries washout very well.  Cunk is a full-throated Bernie guy because he’s a socialist as they all are at TYT. And he’s also one of these far left-wingers who’s convinced that you can only beat Trump with the most radical nominee possible because Trump will chew up an establishmentarian like Biden and eat him for breakfast. Add to this the indignation over feeling like Bernie is once again getting jail raped by the party apparatus, and Cenk can only take so much:

7 Comments on Super Tuesday Meltdown: The Young Turks are Always Good Comedy Relief

  1. Just how stupid is Cunk Yogurt?

    Bernie is in it for the money and nothing else! He knows he can never win a national election, so he puts the thorn in the Dems side and then takes the payoff to drop out.


    Remember, Bernie was so lazy he was thrown out of a hippie commune because he wouldn’t work. And he has never worked an honest day in his life. He sure as hell doesn’t want to start now!

    The man is a grifter, a leech and that’s all he will ever be!!!


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