Supermarket of the future – Big Brother is Definitely Watching – IOTW Report

Supermarket of the future – Big Brother is Definitely Watching

C/NET seems overjoyed by this new Amazon supermarket that is cashier-less. In fact, there is no checkout experience whatsoever. You just need your phone. (It’s amazing how the left says that minorities would be disenfranchised if voter ID was implemented, yet with each passing day more and more requires one to have a “smartphone.”)

The woman in the video crows, “you don’t even have to talk to anyone!”

Welcome to the future!

25 Comments on Supermarket of the future – Big Brother is Definitely Watching

  1. How about those tomatoes she manhandled and shoved up to her nose? That’s why I hate buying loose unpacked items. Can’t wait for gardening season to start up.

  2. Amazon makes suggestions about what I should buy based on previous purchases. I’ve never bought one of their recommendations, they are so far off the mark.

  3. Yep, and when the cashless checkout gets an alert that due to a medical condition your not supposed to eat that tasty steak, and your purchase is denied?
    That’s where it’s all heading folks.

  4. It would not interest me if I could go into a store and get through the checkout line with “Costco efficiency.” They can have twenty customers in line and get you checked out in under seven minutes. Most Goddamn Fred Meyers the clerk wants to chat each customer up for eight minutes minimum.

  5. This is sick. Silicon Valley is grooming a whole generation to become compliant and submissive. Just what the deep state wants. The millennials will never know what hit them. It’s like gradually boiling a frog until it realizes too late that is tonight sinner.

  6. Soon, you will not buy or sell without your specific individualized mark.

    That includes food, merchandise, and even your labor.

    And what you can buy or sell will be decided for you, probably based on something like your social credit rating.

    Soon, very soon.

  7. hmmmm, just re-read my comment. “…it realizes too late that is tonight sinner…”

    That was supposed to be: “realizes too late that it is tonight’s dinner…”

    Sheesh, I have no idea how I typed that sentence.

  8. What happens when you want to return something?
    What if they got the price wrong?
    What if the item is labeled wrong?
    What if you are double charged?
    What happens if you spent a half hour shopping and everything goes offline before you walk out?
    [Are you a shoplifter? Are the items free?]

  9. When good old untraceable money goes, so does what freedoms
    that are left.
    No way a Joe Blow could could see and warn about a future cashless tyranny like St. John did for “Revelations”.
    That Book in the Bible is discounted as not applying today
    by many Priests. They seem very uncomfortable with it for
    some deep seated reasons.

  10. AmaZon sends you a text Receipt as you leave. Your purchase is now complete. $1200.39 cents have been deducted from your checking account. But you only bought 8 items. Lol. Good luck with that. Btw. How is the produce sold .., most of mine is by the pound. Cameras can weigh your produce ? Just hire humans please.


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