Supporters gather for ‘March 4 Trump’ rallies around US – IOTW Report

Supporters gather for ‘March 4 Trump’ rallies around US

AP NEW YORK — Supporters of President Donald Trump are convening at Trump Tower, the Washington Monument and other spots around the country to show their pride in his presidency.

Groups of hundreds of people turned out in places from Colorado’s state Capitol to near Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida for Saturday’s “March 4 Trump” demonstrations. Sometimes, they clashed verbally with generally smaller groups of counter protesters.

At Trump Tower, a couple hundred supporters gathered and chanted “U-S-A” and held signs with messages such as: “Yes he is our president.”

Some minor scuffles between dueling demonstrators at the Minnesota State Capitol were quickly defused by other protesters and police. Near Mar-a-Lago, the Palm Beach Post reported that people on both sides exchanged profanity.

Trump’s motorcade briefly stopped so he could wave at supporters.

SNIP: Anyone get a chance to attend?

11 Comments on Supporters gather for ‘March 4 Trump’ rallies around US

  1. Supposedly pro-Trump supporters attacked police in Olympia, WA. I’ll bet you a dollar they see infiltrated by paid anti Trump protesters to skew the news. No further news alerts though so let’s see how it really turns out.

  2. Illustr8r MARCH 4, 2017 AT 6:16 PM
    Supposedly pro-Trump supporters attacked police in Olympia, WA. I’ll bet you a dollar they see infiltrated by paid anti Trump protesters to skew the news. No further news alerts though so let’s see how it really turns out.

    That rally location is near the oly bus station. Bad bad place. Evil after dark.

  3. King5 said they can’t determine who was a arrested-a pro trumper or an anti trump protester. Considering the pic they showed was an African American guy shouting and pointing his hand in the face of a older guy wearing a military veteran hat….and there is a #BLM March in Seattle this evening. Plenty of time for that guy to go to both.

  4. I attended the Austin March for Trump. It was raining all day but met a bunch of great people and had a great time in supporting President Trump. Had a few of encounters with leftist dipshits but surprisingly most of the people downtown seemed to be for Trump. We had many people honking, rolling down windows and giving us support.

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