Supreme Court blocks bid to stop Trump plan to exclude illegal immigrants from census, redistricting – IOTW Report

Supreme Court blocks bid to stop Trump plan to exclude illegal immigrants from census, redistricting


The Supreme Court dismissed a challenge Friday to block the Trump administration’s effort to exclude illegal immigrants from the U.S. census count and from being counted toward congressional redistricting. 

The conservative majority on the high court ruled that it would be premature to block the president’s plan before such a time as it was implemented. 

“We express no view on the merits of the constitutional and related statutory claims presented. We hold only that they are not suitable for adjudication at this time,” wrote the court of the case Trump v. New York. “At present, this case is riddled with contingencies and speculation that impede judicial review.”


14 Comments on Supreme Court blocks bid to stop Trump plan to exclude illegal immigrants from census, redistricting

  1. Umm, isn’t this obvious? Why should illegal immigrants be allowed to vote? They are not here legally! They are not citizens. They should not be allowed to vote in our elections, despite what the left wants.

  2. @RogerF: it makes sense to us normals, but to those who don’t care about the United States as it was formed. They think they have a better idea, to remake our country into their dream country. They’re deluded into believing that this time, it will be a success. They don’t understand that their system is corrupt at the core and can only sprout corrupt fruit.

  3. I’d love to see a law that required each party and those registered in that party to be financially accountable for the laws they want to implement.
    For example, monies for illegals in the country, funds for their support must come from the democrats. If they want to remove statues, they must pay for those monuments and the replacements.
    This would apply to every one of their idiotic ideas and none of the economic burden placed on those that object.
    Watch how quickly the support for their lunacy collapses.

  4. “We express no view on the merits of the constitutional and related statutory claims presented. We hold only that they are not suitable for adjudication at this time,”

    Translation: We are tired of screwing over Trump, so we will take a short break and screw him on this issue too, just not right now.

  5. When did the SCOTUS obtain the power to legislate, to change the essence of our nation, or to destroy what we’ve always had?

    No US sovereignty, then no need for a SCOTUS.
    Let Latvia or N.Korea serve as our high court. Maybe we could have a lottery among volunteer foreign nations.


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