Supreme Court Dismisses Appeals of Trump’s ‘Sanctuary Cities’ Funding Order – IOTW Report

Supreme Court Dismisses Appeals of Trump’s ‘Sanctuary Cities’ Funding Order

NM: The Supreme Court has dismissed three pending appeals of former President Donald Trump’s effort to withhold millions of dollars in law enforcement funds from states and cities that refused to cooperate with federal immigration authorities, meaning it will not rule on whether the policy was lawful.

President Joe Biden, a Democrat, has rescinded Republican Trump’s 2017 executive order that called on U.S. agencies to withhold federal funds from the so-called sanctuary jurisdictions, many of which are governed by Democrats. Lower courts were divided on whether the policy was lawful.

The Biden Administration and lawyers for jurisdictions challenging the order in the three cases said in a joint request on Thursday that the cases should be dismissed. The three cases involve New York City, San Francisco, and various states including California and New York. read more

5 Comments on Supreme Court Dismisses Appeals of Trump’s ‘Sanctuary Cities’ Funding Order

  1. so SCOTOS dismissed the Biden appeals & ‘it will not rule on whether the policy (Trump’s policy) was lawful’?

    … am I reading this correctly??? … so Trump’s policy was ‘lawful’? … but Bidenrats can rescind it by fiat?

    “The Law is an Ass”

  2. SCOTUS dismissed the appeals because the DOJ under Biden refused to pursue. Not sure why all the headlines are making this the Supreme Court’s decision. They should read: BIDEN DOJ… Courts don’t decide cases that have no plaintiff/complainant.


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