Supreme Court Dismisses President Trump and Attorney Lin Wood’s Final Election Challenge Without Comment – IOTW Report

Supreme Court Dismisses President Trump and Attorney Lin Wood’s Final Election Challenge Without Comment

Gateway Pundit:

The US Supreme Court dismissed President Trump’s final election challenge on Monday without comment.

25 Comments on Supreme Court Dismisses President Trump and Attorney Lin Wood’s Final Election Challenge Without Comment

  1. If your not woke yet America (using the left’s choice of words garbage) then you deserve every bit of bend over and grab the ankles crap your wonderful government is dishing out. 🤨

  2. @FDR
    It has been for a long, long time. Also, wasn’t it you that said, “…there are no coincidences in politics.”? I’m sure SCOTUS ignoring a crime is no coincidence.

    I’m just gonna keep on posting this until everyone gets it….

    Dear Fellow Americans,
    If you are still operating under the belief that there is a Two-Party System, would you PLEASE STOP IT!!!!??? You would look less foolish if you declared your fervent belief in the Tooth Fairy… just sayin’.
    If you wish to strip-away the power of the reprobates and charlatans currently infesting OUR government, you need to STOP participating in their divisive Political Tribalism that does nothing more than diminish OUR identity as Americans and pits Americans against Americans. STOP identifying as Republican or Democrat… there is NO SUCH THING. What the “Parties” offer WE the People is the illusion of choice while both sides of the aisle work toward a common goal that is repugnant to the COTUS.
    Any questions, feel free to ask.

  3. MJS
    I was not too poor to take out my wallet and pay attention 16 years ago. I read his rulings. There was no American judge more liberal than JOHN ROBERTS 20 years ago. He is , AS HE ALWAYS HAS BEEN, a far left liberal. GWB may be a blackguard; but he is not dumb! GWB wanted a liberal and he got one! BTW GWB lied.

  4. an ol exJarhead –

    GWB was fishy from the start, to me. Because of his daddy and the CIA.
    It got worse when he wouldn’t defend himself against the left. Ever. I knew he was a bastard when he left the 2 border guards [compean and ramos] out to dry. What a piece of shit. They both should have sued W and anything moving.

    Trump pardoned them in 2020.

  5. The third branch of the US Government is formally and finally dismissed without comment.

    Except for one comment: Rot in Hell you traitors!

  6. Given that trump put deep state hacks everywhere else in his admin, we shouldn’t be surprised to find out that the ussc picks of his were also just a bunch of deep state hacks.


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