Supreme Court Justices Enjoy A Lot Of Privately Funded Travel – IOTW Report

Supreme Court Justices Enjoy A Lot Of Privately Funded Travel

Now Lawmakers Want To Know Who’s Paying.

DC: A new bill would require Supreme Court justices to disclose more information about privately funded travel, a lavish and much-enjoyed perk of service on the nation’s highest judicial tribunal.

Federal judges have relatively cursory reporting requirements for reimbursed travel as compared to the other branches of government. The justices are only obligated to provide the source and a brief description of reimbursements, but need not report dollar amounts or any gift received as “personal hospitality.”

The proposed Judicial Travel Accountability Act requires judicial officers to itemize privately funded travel, lodging and related expenses within 15 days of a trip’s end and provide detailed descriptions of meetings and events in which they participated. Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island is the lead Senate sponsor, while Democratic Rep. David Cicilline of Rhode Island is leading the House effort.

“Judges and justices receive free trips around the world, and the American people deserve to know in a timely manner how much the excursions cost and who’s paying,” Fix the Court executive director Gabe Roth said in a statement following introduction of the bill on Oct. 17. “Officials in the executive and legislative branches are already compelled to disclose this type of information, so there’s no reason judicial travel and gift reporting should remain exempt from accepted standards.” read more

16 Comments on Supreme Court Justices Enjoy A Lot Of Privately Funded Travel

  1. Anything that is not of a national security level nature or concern, and I mean ANYTHING, should be laid bare for all to see, e-mails, grocery bills, travel, MEDICATIONS, etc, the botox operations…I.WANT.TO.SEE.IT.ALL., again, minus the national security stuff.

    They, the fake phony fraud politicians, especially OBOZO, ALL talk about transparency but they are full of pig shit.

    THIS is the most transparent President ANYONE of us has seen, and for that he is vilified…

    Strange and Sick times.

  2. Well, they could use some of that free travel money to fly as a group to visit a guru up on an isolated mountaintop who could help them explore why they insanely mandated that the American taxpayers pay for all the wants and needs of multi-millions of illegal criminal invaders!

  3. They should be required to work a minimum of 40 hours a week hearing cases.
    Instead of playing golf and screwing around. They are well paid, the high court should become a justice factory, cranking out cases left and right.

  4. Shithead and Nancy are in Jordan??? Oh and Engel as well.

    Where are the photo op pics from an event put on notice? Two days ago??

    And, the presser starts out “tonight…”. When did they leave? When are they coming back? Is this a ONE country tour?

    What are these botox bastards up to??

    BTW Wictor thinks he is on parkinson’s and the meds give him the buggy eyes.

    Just saying, THIS is what we are dealing with!!

  5. Shithead and Nancy are in Jordan??? Oh and Engel as well.

    Where are the photo op pics from an event put on notice? Two days ago??

    And, the presser starts out “tonight…”. When did they leave? When are they coming back? Is this a ONE country tour?

    What are these botox bastards up to??

    BTW Wictor thinks he has parkinson’s and the meds to tone it down, give him the buggy eyes.

    Just saying, THIS is what we are dealing with!!

  6. This is good; the judiciary believes they are beyond the law. Surprise, no more foolish ‘junkets’ for judges. Their responsibility is to decide questions of law; I reckon we’ll all be happy and comfortable with providing them a bus ride to the Library of Congress and the National Archive to consult the Constitution (yeah, that old thing!) and case law for research purposes. There is no need for any further travel.

  7. Government employees, appointed, voted-in or hired should ALL be held to account to those of US that bust our collective asses to fund their paycheck.

    There isn’t a DAMN thing that should allow them to act, talk, infer or otherwise behave as though they are above us.
    Shit like this makes a revolution inevitable.


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