Supreme Court Rejects Several Gun Rights Cases for Next Term – IOTW Report

Supreme Court Rejects Several Gun Rights Cases for Next Term

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Monday passed up several challenges to federal and state gun control laws, over the dissent of two conservative justices.

Gun rights advocates had hoped the court would expand the constitutional right to “keep and bear arms” beyond the home.

Instead, the justices left in place restrictions on the right to carry weapons in public in Maryland, Massachusetts and New Jersey. They also declined to review Massachusetts’ ban on some semi-automatic firearms and large-capacity ammunition magazines, a California handgun control law and a half-century-old federal law banning interstate handgun sales.

Justice Clarence Thomas, joined by Justice Brett Kavanaugh, wrote a dissent in the court’s denial of a New Jersey resident’s appeal seeking the right to carry a gun in public for self-defense. Rather than take on the constitutional issue, Thomas wrote, “the Court simply looks the other way.”

18 Comments on Supreme Court Rejects Several Gun Rights Cases for Next Term

  1. man, SCOTUS is looking really bad w/ all their recent ‘social justice’ rulings.
    Roberts has turned like a pack week-old hot dogs that somehow found it’s way under the seat of the car, Ginsberg is so hopped up on adrenochrome that she’ll never die, & now Gorsuch is starting to go sour like tater salad in the sun

    … the Swamp turned ’em …. this is bad


    John has not TURNED! He was always a “CHIRSTIANS ARE BAD! CHRISTIANS Wrote THE CONSTITUTION SO IT ISS BAD! Progressive!
    In ’06 I Had along running argument with a GWB leftist who said GWB was fooling libs! I said no! Leftist GWB is falling conservatives.
    Leftist John had only 2 appellate cases. 1 was clearly middle of road. 1 was clearly anti Christian. I remember not the details 15 year later but it was about a crime at a taxpayer railroad- either the L at Chi or the S at NY, John’s opinion clearly – between the lines – said “the Constitution is a worthless piese of shit written by Christians and therefor is to be ignored!”
    John was a lefty 20 years ago and is still a lefty! GWB put him there because he was 20 years ago a “SWAMP MAN”!

  3. Supreme Court is on a roll today, against the American people.

    They also decided not to review California’s sanctuary law, so Cali can continue shielding illegal alien’s. 😬

  4. 2nd term is usually the term that gets things done.

    During his next mandate DJT will be on a tear. You can see him still trying to hold it in but he is definitely packing a shorter fuse.

  5. The ” Shall not be infringed ” clause obviously
    prevents the reversal of its meaning by
    pretending to interpret it.

    It also derails obfuscation of its intent
    through bullshitting scheisterism,
    thereby preventing lawyers from presenting
    oral defecation as legal argument.

  6. The fallacy that scotus is somehow above the rest of the government class has been spread like herpes. What guarantees the enforcement of the Constitution has always been the tip of a gun

  7. @Anonymous June 16, 2020 at 8:15 am

    > how does that work out in our daily lives?

    Look around. The United States Constitution, enforced by force, brought you “this”. All of “this”. By design. By…de…sign. Two hundred years. Two…hun…dred…years. Of “correcting unintended error”. Brought you “this”. All of “this”. And nothing but “this”.

    This is what Constitutionalists want. This is what Conservatives demand. This is what Patriots cause.

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