Supreme Court rules against EPA on pollution rules – IOTW Report

Supreme Court rules against EPA on pollution rules

WaExaminer- The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 against Environmental Protection Agency pollution rules for power plants Monday, in a blow to President Obama’s environmental agenda.


The majority decision, written by Justice Antonin Scalia, said the EPA has to consider the costs of complying with the rules and sent the air pollution regulations back to the agency.

The EPA rules in question regulate hazardous air pollutants and mercury from coal- and oil-fired power plants, known as the MATS regulations. The regulations went into effect April 16. The utility industry had argued that the rules cost them billions of dollars to comply and that EPA ignored the cost issue in putting the regulations into effect.

“EPA must consider cost — including cost of compliance — before deciding whether regulation is appropriate and necessary. It will be up to the agency to decide (as always, within the limits of reasonable interpretation) how to account for cost,” Scalia wrote in agreeing with the industry.  more

7 Comments on Supreme Court rules against EPA on pollution rules

  1. Yeah, by a 5-4 vote. EPA essentially was arguing that they could force a rule that would give one person a nickel’s worth of benefit, but which cost billions to implement. Of course they would never do anything as wasteful as that…

  2. Hows come SCOTUS didnt consider the cost of implementing same sex marriage? Think of the paper forms changes from husband wife to person 1 and 2, parent 1,2. From federal level down to city level. I say start buying stock in paper and standing timber.

  3. Yes Josh Ernest just said that the Court’s ruling don’t mean shit. Not quite his words, but that’s his meaning. The EPA will move on with its regulations. And who can stop it? Nixon created a monster.

    Unwittingly, I suppose.

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