Supreme Court Strikes Down Obama’s Executive Action Amnesty – IOTW Report

Supreme Court Strikes Down Obama’s Executive Action Amnesty

The FederalistPapers – The tie ruling upholds the ruling of the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, which ruled the order unconstitutional. The order granted deportation amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants.

Paul Ryan- President Obama’s use of executive action to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants is now null and void:


The Obama administration announced the programs – protections for parents of children who are in the country legally and an expansion of the program that benefits people who were brought to this country as children – in November 2014. Obama decided to move forward after Republicans won control of the Senate in the 2014 midterm elections, and the chances for an immigration overhaul, already remote, were further diminished.

The Senate had passed a broad immigration bill with Democratic and Republican support in 2013, but the measure went nowhere in the GOP-controlled House of Representatives.

The states quickly went to court to block the Obama initiatives.

ht/ Annie

14 Comments on Supreme Court Strikes Down Obama’s Executive Action Amnesty

  1. And the very first people he blamed were the Republicans. Throughout his speech he blamed the Republicans. I got tired of his BS and turned him off. Already knew what his rhetoric was going to be.

  2. big deal, now that he’s dropped a big steaming pile on the constitution, how will this ruling scrape the deuce off the document? The stain will remain.

    The infestation has already happened. Tell me how this does much of anything?

  3. Tony R nailed it-he’ll totally ignore it-he’ll continue telling ICE to stay the fuck away from deporting “dreamers”-he’ll continue to obfuscate-he’ll continue to allow 4 times removed cousins of dreamers to legally immigrate.

    C’mon he’s changed dates on legislation that was passed by Congress and no one said shit.

    McConnell will huff & puff and call it a day. Ryan too.

  4. It doesn’t matter whether or not Barky ignores it until the Republican controlled congress funds the deportation process. Current Republican established appropriations are a tiny fraction of what’s needed to give the boot to the illegals.

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