Supreme Court Throws Out Transgender Case – IOTW Report

Supreme Court Throws Out Transgender Case

Breitbart: WASHINGTON—On Monday the Supreme Court threw out a major transgender lawsuit, sending the case back to a lower federal court in light of the Trump administration’s rescinding of an Obama policy implicated by the lawsuit.

High school student “G.G.” (later revealed as Gavin Grimm) is a biological teenage girl who calls herself a boy and dresses as a boy, supported in her transgender identity by her mother. They asked her teachers and the staff at her school in Gloucester County, Virginia, to likewise treat her as a male student.

School officials tried to accommodate G.G., calling her by her preferred boy’s name Gavin, but asked that she use the unisex bathroom in the nurse’s office rather than use the boys’ bathrooms and locker rooms alongside biological boys and adult men.

Encouraged by her lawyers from the ACLU, G.G. demanded the school allow her to use the boys’ bathrooms and locker rooms at the same time that biological males are using those facilities. The school board instead adopted the policy that everyone must either use facilities matching their biological sex or single-person unisex bathrooms.  read more

10 Comments on Supreme Court Throws Out Transgender Case

  1. As I see it, SHE and her morally bankrupt parent(s) made this an issue. If she were able to look like an actual male instead of a fat girl in boys clothing, maybe there wouldn’t be a question of which bathroom she should use. SHE broadcast her delusion and now expects everyone else to go along with it. Sorry toots, you’re female PERIOD! No amount of mental illness, surgery, or flannel can change your DNA and physiology!

  2. Something must be done to counter the ACLU. They have been doing everything possible to destroy the country for a very long time. How about the rights of the rest of us?

  3. Why is the gov’t involved with shit-houses?
    Am I the only one who thinks this is all a little strange?
    No one debated shit-houses before Obola, because there really is no need to. Does this make Obola the first “Shit-House President?” Hopefully the last “Shit-House President?”

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. If anyone’s gonna sue it should be the guy in the wheelchair, He’s already been called half a Man. And now you put a towering Transvesty behind him… he can’t even run away for Gods sake.

  5. I have a surgeon friend who is gay. She does a lot of cosmetic hair removal on transgenders and has conversations with them. NONE of them are concerned with the bathroom issue and DON’T want the spotlight focused on them. They all identify as feminine and will just quietly use the ladies room with no one knowing. This entire astroturf bathroom issue is NOT about “rights” for transgenders. It is about creating a problem where none exists so government can enact sweeping regulations that further control everyone’s lives.

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